Wednesday, July 31, 2019

MKT Unit 5 DB

Nowadays there are many more marketing channels available than there were 15, or even ten years ago.   Now a company can market their products by means of a wide variety of channels open to them such as banners, video, wireless, desktop applications, etc – in addition to the more traditional marketing channels of print media and television. Marketing is a very important function which plays a role in strategic planning as it has a direct effect upon profitability and sales.   Larger businesses will dedicate specific staff and departments for marketing purposes, but it is not something that should be carried out in isolation from the rest of the business.   The departments need to work together in order for strategic planning and techniques to be successful (GCSE, 2006) Let’s take a look at how Sony may consider marketing its new PlayStation 3 (PS 3), which is to be launched in a couple of weeks in America.   It has already begun the marketing campaign with a pre product launch press release, wherein it allowed journalists to test the product.   This would be an effective strategy as it would enhance the mystery and curiosity surrounding the product. I think other channels which would be most effective in the marketing of this product would be all of the new channels listed above – banners, video, wireless, desktop applications, as well as television and the printed media, as long as the programs and publications used are aimed at the younger generation.     Retail outlets would also have their own promotional material such as posters and cardboard cutouts on display.   Sony could refer back to successes that they had in the marketing of the Sony Playstation 2, considering that according to them, an incredible 74 million Playstation 2s have been consumed – a figure trumped by sales of the two iterations of the original PlayStation hardware, now standing at 100 million. (Spong, 2006) References GCSE, 2006, retrieved 26 Oct 2006 from the website Spong, 2006, retrieved 26 Oct 2006 from the website

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Euthanasia & Mercy Killing and the World Today

Euthanasia can be described as one of society's more widely and hotly debated moral issues of our time. Active euthanasia, by definition, is â€Å"Doing something, such as administering a lethal drug, or using other means that cause a person's death. † Passive euthanasia, which seems to not be debated as heavily, is defined as â€Å"Stopping (or not starting) some treatment, which allows a person to die, the person's condition causes his or her death. † I have chosen to look more closely at the issue of active euthanasia, while applying Kant†s standards to the issue. Those who support the practice of active euthanasia might argue that helping the terminally ill to bring about their own deaths, allowing them to determine the how and when, is not only humane, but also allows the person who is simply living to die to maintain dignity by orchestrating their own end, thus letting them die at peace, rather than suffer to the end, perceiving themselves to be a burden and/or disgrace, to those they love. According to recent polls, many people would agree, but the question is, have they taken a close look at the ethical debate? Those who are against active euthanasia would say not, and would argue that by participating in the practice of active euthanasia, one is â€Å"playing God,† or perhaps, even worse, that they are not acting out of mercy, but rather out of selfishness, attempting to lessen their own burden. If this were the case, the act is nothing less than cold-blooded murder. Murder is defined as; â€Å"The unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another. † Euthanasia remains unlawful as of today, and the act of euthanasia is premeditated, thus whether for the purpose of mercy or not, euthanasia is by definition, murder. According to Kantian perspective and the Holy Bible, murder is both a sin and a crime, therefore we should not participate in the practice of euthanasia, because it is murder, and it is the wrong thing to do. The euthanasia debate raises many questions. Questions such as; For whose benefit is the murder actually taking place? Should we allow family members to make a life-or-death decision on behalf of a loved one who may never have expressed a desire to die, simply because they could not vocalize a will to live? If a person should be suffering with an illness of which there seems no hope of recovery, yet they are unable to make a choice for themselves how do we know what that person would voluntarily choose? Is it our right to decide whether or not they have a desire to live? If we ourselves are not in the position of the individual whose life and/or death is being decided, we cant possibly know or understand what their will is, what they would opt for personally, or even whether or not they can comprehend what is happening. Thus, the decisions we are making find us â€Å"playing God,† and assuming that our decisions are always in the best interests of another. Without knowing for sure what the individual would have chosen, we may well have gone against their will, and thus have committed murder. Some would argue that the practice of euthanasia is used as a last resort, when the individual can no longer manage the pain of their illness. However, that argument can be rebutted by an observation made by a proponent of a movement similar to Right to Die. Dr Pieter Admiraal, a leader of a movement to legalize assisted suicide in the Netherlands, stated publicly that pain is never justification for euthanasia considering the advanced medical techniques currently available to manage pain in almost every circumstance. Thus the pain does not justify death, but rather it justifies the need for more money to educate health care professionals on better pain management techniques. Shouldn†t we look into a suicidal persons emotional and psychological background before we conclude that his or her suicide is acceptable because they are going to die anyway? We ought to take into consideration, the statistics which tell us that fewer than one in four people with terminal illness have a desire to die, and that all of those who did wish to die had previously suffered with clinically diagnosable depression. 6 If we choose to overlook these statistics, and others that tell us that psychotherapeutic treatments are not only available, but equally successful among people with terminal illness, as among people without7 then we are indeed cutting that person's life short, and thus one again, committing murder. If a physically healthy person who suffered with depression were to approach us with thoughts of suicide, we would comfort them, seek treatment for them, and provide as much as we were able, to see that they got the reassurance and the psychological or emotional help that they needed. Certainly we would not tell them that the choice was theirs and hand them a gun. Why then do we not do the same for those suffering with a physical illness? Further statistics tell us that the chances for living a happy life are often greater for a person who has attempted suicide, but are stopped, and provided with the help they need, than for individuals suffering with similar problems, who have never attempted suicide. It would serve us well to take notice of these statistics. We ought to be making every effort to find alternatives to euthanasia, and help people with their problems, instead of helping them to end what very well could be a happy life. One must also ask why some doctors would fight so vigorously to legalize the practice of killing the terminally ill, while others maintain that there are many alternatives available that may offer a satisfactory and comfortable quality of life for those suffering from severe illness. Is it possible that some doctors are â€Å"selling death† for reasons other than compassion? If the possibility exists for this to be the case, than we ought to expect some doctors to abuse the system, as well as the rights and best interests of the patient, in order to better themselves financially, or otherwise. I personally believe that it would be extremely difficult, perhaps impossible, to legislate a point of illness or disability where euthanasia would be considered legally or ethically acceptable. To do so would be saying that all disabled or terminally ill patients have no chance for a happy and fulfilling life. I believe that we are taking quite a risk when we bring about another person's death willfully, thus assuming that we have the ability to look into the future and deem their life unlivable.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Short Narrative of My Life

Therefore, she was very strict and harsh with rules and punishments which in due time were going to produce in me a seed of rebellion. Eventually, it rooted deeply in me and sprouted soon enough at about the age of 8 years old. Everything went downhill from there on which manifested in different and diverse ways, such as, disorderly conduct, rebellion towards all kind of authority, the beginning of substance abuse starting with alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and living life in the fast lane in general. As I grew older, this increased with no care for rules at all and a death wish. This was only one of the reasons for my decision that took place when I was about 20 years old. I grew up in a dysfunctional family. My mother left my father before I was born and met my first stepfather right after. She was young and in need of being loved, so she saw the opportunity of protection and support in this man since she was pregnant and alone in New York City. Because I did not really have a father, my mother had to assume that role and be harsh, strict, and sometimes aggressive. She did not know better. Therefore, I became a problem who would not listen and I would get into trouble at school, and misbehave at home, break things, scream, drink behind my mother’s back, etc. All of this would have its toll at about 11 years old when I was living in New York again. I came back to live with my biological father then. I had met him when I was 8 years old. Here, I confronted a different life full of dangers, jealousy from my stepbrothers, and physical aggression from my dad. I got involved in the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol and became a gang member seeking the love and respect that I was not getting at home. I also got arrested and witnessed deaths of friends. This journey, which lasted about 10 years, ended or started its ending when I was deep into drugs and violence. It is not a mystery that the neighborhood in which I lived was under the rule of the Colombian Mafia back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I lived in Jackson Heights, which was known back, then as â€Å"Little Colombia†, because of the huge population of Colombian immigrants that totaled about a million in the neighborhood. Therefore, mafia was part of the everyday life. Many kids were selling drugs and doing hits for the mafia. Terror and fear were common amongst many inhabitants of the area. Most young kids wanted to be like Pablo Escobar, the â€Å"Capo† of the Colombian Medellin Cartel, taking him as a role model to follow. I was one of those kids that followed this â€Å"role model†, who inspired many kids to get involved in this life. This led me to a fast and dangerous life where I was blessed to be alive, since I saw many of my friends die in the line of battle because of wrong decisions. I, on the other hand, knew how to take care of myself and managed to stay alive but became an addict. I ended up homeless and in various rehabs, halfway houses, shelters and clinical therapy. I lost all respect for others and myself. I was not me anymore but I had turned into the awful monster that had taken over my life. I was for sure headed to a bottomless pit. I was going straight to the pits of hell, condemned forever with no hope of looking back. When I was about 19 years old, I was in a rehabilitation center when a woman came to me and started preaching to me about the Bible and its message. About the Messiah, this was Jesus for her and soon would become mine too. At first, I really did not listen to her but she insisted and came back a few more times. Then we were invited to a church and I saw all the love and attention that those people were giving others and me without knowing us and I was surprised and astounded at this. This was my first experience with Jesus or anything that had to do with a Messiah that was very real to me. I was hopeless, since that moment a little door opened up, and there was some light. After that, I was sent to a halfway house where the director coincidentally was a Christian Pastor. I lived in this house for about a year and in the course of that year; the director practically took me under his wing. He invited me several times to his church until I made the decision of going. I was far from being different but it was the beginning of a different life. I went and experienced a new beginning, I was born again, I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and everything was going to start changing from then on. It was 1993. The month I do not quite remember but I was 20 at the time. I relapsed almost at the end of 1993 and I had to go into a rehabilitation center again. This time was my last one. It was about October when my Dad sent me a plane ticket to Oakland, California. I was given the chance to make a decision on living or staying and my choice was made. I lived in Oakland for some time and started working there as a salesperson and met my sons mother. Yes, I have a son. He was born on September 11 of the year 1994 and unfortunately, I was not there to see him come into this world. It is something that I have regretted my whole life. I was young and scared and the only thing I knew how to do was to run, so I did. He is 18 years old right now. He is a miracle of life because his mother wanted to commit abortion and I did not permit it. I was not going to let her kill my son. Therefore, by the grace of God he was born. That is why I say that he is a miracle of life. I am not going to lie to you and tell you that everything was a bed of roses from the time I left the United States. I made many mistakes that took their toll, but now after I had accepted Jesus as my Savior I had new hope, new strength, and a new purpose to follow and be better. In 1994, I traveled back to Colombia, started to attend a church, and got involved in a ministry as I worked and tried to live a normal life. I was there for almost 17 years and my life had a complete turn-around. I prospered and got new friends. I have been sober for almost 20 years and I love life, creation, people, and most of all my dear Jesus, who gave me salvation and eternal life by just believing in Him and accepting Him and His dominion in my heart. Even though, it has not been an easy journey because I have gone through thick and thin, I continue with my head up. I am standing firm in this path. I have been back in New York for three years now and I have many amends to make, God willing. I have been working and studying for my degree to achieve my dreams and letting other people know about the person who changed my life and gave me a new purpose. A new direction and meaning to my life. A life dedicated to worship the Father, the Almighty God, Jesus his son and the Holy Spirit of God. A tricotomy that is a mystery manifested in the One and only true God.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hospitality Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hospitality Marketing - Case Study Example This case study examines Hilton hotels aim of expansion, quality and efficiency in customer service delivery and tackling the challenge of competition from other players in the hotel industry. Increasing profits and expansion is always the aim of any company and as such strategies are needed in accomplishing these goals. From the analysis of the case study it can be pointed out that Hilton hotel has laid plans to achieve these objectives. For instance, the Hotel has introduced Customer Mater strategy (CRM) and Hilton OnQ that is a comprehensive, integrated infrastructure (Kumar, 2010). The most important point that the case study highlights is the Hilton hotel incorporation of the two systems in improving their service delivery and expanding the customer base. With the dynamism of the hotel industry, Hilton stands out as it has a comparative advantage compared to other players. Despite the cost involved in its application, Customer Mater strategy (CRM) is a way to employ modern technology to give the company ability to solidify relationships with its best customers. Hilton focused in the hospitality industry is has been enhancing the value of the company’s portfolio and warranting consistency of delivery of every brand’s promise. These are critical issues that require deliberate strategies and Customer Mater strategy (CRM) has gone a long way in ensuring this goal is a reality (Hudson, 2008). Another major important point that case study explores is the importance of integrating information and technology in its operation. It has been insinuated that Hilton hotel had been experiencing a lot of challenges in customer delivery owing to delays and system failures. For example, the case study points out that in the past, very one of the Hilton hotel customer touch points experienced barriers to good client service since information was never

Writer's Autobiography Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writer's Autobiography Assignment - Essay Example This gave me an opportunity to read extensively. As such, I gathered knowledge on how to approach different topics. My tutor told me that, to develop fluency in language, there is a need to read extensively. This will not only develop my fluency in writing, but will also develop my speech. In my pre-school years, I remember playing reading games. This gave me exposure to the English language as I learned new vocabularies with each passing day. Apparently, some of the words were confusing. This encouraged me to search a dictionary to enable me understand the vocabularies. However, this was tricky. For example, some new vocabularies are not included in the older versions of dictionaries. Therefore, as I progressed in the reading games, I had to look for the latest dictionary. This proved a prudent approach in knowing new vocabularies. In the turn of events, I started to develop a passion of writing about any trending story. As such, I noted that I had developed an undying passion of writing for enjoyment. One thing i remember about writing is that, it helps in grasping different topics and giving the topics a different approach. For example, I could write about the same story using three different approaches. This was like playing with words to suit the same topic. I re member most of my classmates making requests for my writings to develop their language. I felt that my writing was appreciated in class. As a fact, this elevated my passion in writing. I felt that I could do better with enhancement in the efforts I made towards writing. Consequentially, I started concentrating in some of the topics that proved a hurdle. For example, physical geography involves visiting places and doing lots of research. However, I started writing about physical geography, though I had not visited some of these places. This sparked my imagination to a higher level as I had to do massive research on the places. I was astonished

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to prepare a survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to prepare a survey - Essay Example ds to know, which demographic constitution of the population are being surveyed, is it the old, the youth, women, men, children, the schooling, the working population, among the rest of the population. Moreover, he should know their geographic distribution, and how they can be reached effectively and which survey method will give accurate results (Acebit, 2012). Furthermore, he should understand the time schedule for the target population, which will assist in setting up the period and budget for the survey. According to Acebit (2012) & Creative Research Systems (2012), the second step is defining the survey type and the method that will be applied in conducting the survey. Since most of the surveys are quantitative in nature and involves a lot of data collection and analysis, the crucial thing here is to pick methods that will give the most precise and accurate answers as possible. Depending on their target group, surveyors can pick from the following: they can choose interview methods, which can be person-to-person or via telephone conversation. Another method is a questionnaire, which can be sent via mail, email, or given to the population in person, then collected after a given time by the surveyor. The surveyor can also use observation, whereby he/she can interact with the target population, whether participatory or non-participatory to gather data. The choice of the method in the survey shall also determine the cost and outcome of the survey, depending on the demographic nature an d distribution of the population (Creative Research Systems, 2012). The third final step in conducting a survey is designing questions and means of analysis the results after the survey. The design of the questions whether in questionnaires or interviews needs to be pointed out clear, where all audiences can answer without strain. The questions should also be well structured and not ambiguous to enable the surveyor get the most accurate results. The questions are then pre-tested

Friday, July 26, 2019

Strategic Management Plan for Sear's Holding Company Term Paper

Strategic Management Plan for Sear's Holding Company - Term Paper Example Sears Roebuck & Company was planned to enter into a merger with Kmart by Edward Lampert who worked as a hedge-fund manager. The merger was initiated with the aim to intensify the existence of Sears and create Sears Holding Corporation. However, the financial position of Sears Holding Corporation seemed to be worsening post merger along with a drop in their share prices. The company was learnt to be over burdened with debt. A drop was also experienced in the volume of sales of the company. Owing to all these reasons, the company was facing a huge dip in its share prices. To add more, the adjusted earnings of the company were predicted to drop considerably along with a cash crisis. The company had also failed to make payments for its respective credit lines (Laing, 2011). The waning sales, over expending on restructuring the stores, poor merchandising and unwise micromanaging was suffered by the company due to which the share price of the company was estimated to witness a decline by around 50%. As per the Fitch ratings, the company was ranked in the junk territory in terms of its debt. Furthermore, the liquidity of the company was expected to remain insufficient in the year 2012, in case the company fails to exploit the markets for fresh cash. On the other hand, the company was stated to hold a considerable share of inventory along with a significant portfolio of the possessed real estate which ranged from $8 billion to $10 billion. However, the worth of the real estate which was chiefly situated at the Borders was required to be ascertained. Therefore, with the aim to avoid such insufficiency of funds, the company is required to set an appropriate strategic management plan which would assist the company to a significant extent to overcome its seriou s financial crunch by bringing in fresh funds (Laing, 2011). The fresh strategic management plan for the company should entail few considerable alterations in its stores by getting rid of the entire soft-line inventories for the reason of enhancing the sales. The soft-line inventories would entail the poorly performing shoes, jewelry and apparel which have been believed and observed to lack the ability of appealing to the customers in the arena of soft-lines. Hence, it is required for the company to amalgamate few of the outstanding part of the inventory with the offerings of Kmart (Albrecht, Brainard, Fadgen, Jackson & Sengbusch, 2009). The company should also focus on expanding few of its product lines such as the kitchen appliances and dining furnitures. The company should also undertake necessary steps to intensify the advertising activities related to the electronic products that are offered. The mentioned alterations along with the additions would prove to be sufficient to rep lace the soft-lines products to a significant extent. The company should also try and shift its concentration on catalogue & internet retail, automotive repair, consumer appliances as well as electronics retail and supply of building material in order to diversify and attain competitive advantage. In order to strengthen the defensive walls of the company, it needs to consider the options of entering into a few selected partnerships with certain companies, particularly in the field of automotive care (Albrecht, Brainard, Fadgen, Jackson & Sengbusch, 2009). To augment the demand of the amended platform or array of products as well as services, the company requires shifting its degree of emphasis to the adults of the middle class varying from 25 years to 64 years as this particular age group is considered to hold the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Management College Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Management College - Case Study Example Ryanair uses online booking and ticketing system to lower brokerage fees and ticketing costs, thereby redefining its relationship to its customer markets. They follow differential pricing depending upon availability and demand, they operate on short-haul routes or airports which have competitive cost terms, but these cost-saving techniques do not really add value to the service to the customer. They have reduced services like not allotting seats and provide no frills to the services. They concentrate on outbound logistics, attempting to reduce the turnaround times by opting for secondary airports. This results in fewer terminal delays and more competitive airport access and handling costs. Faster turnaround results in maximizing aircraft utilization but ultimately these are merely cost reduction techniques. They have outsourced the non-core areas like partial maintenance and ground handling activities. Ryanair has been concentrating on process and service but not on its people and ma ximizing utility of technology. Ryanai faces several challenges in its strategy to push down costs. They have not been concentrating on enhancing business communications which reflects in their poor employee and volatile customer relations.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership Competencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership Competencies - Essay Example First is the competence to manage change in the organization. This enables the leaders to maintain the focus of the company on achieving its goals and objectives despite the changes that may occur affecting the company’s operations. Setting of strategy and vision is a leadership competence that helps the leaders in my organization to put the entire organization at the focus of the company’s long term goals. Leaders in my organization also enhance business skills and knowledge through mentoring and giving adequate work experience to their juniors (Topping, 2002). Leadership competencies that involve leading one’s self are very critical in the providence of effective leadership in the organization. These involve the demonstration of integrity and ethics by the leaders themselves. The display of purpose and drive while maintaining self-awareness is also an admirable leadership competence. It is usually better for a leader to lead by example. The last category of leadership competencies as witnessed in my organization involves those that concern the leadership of others. This involves effective communication and the building and maintenance of working relationships. They facilitate the coordination of staff towards the achievement of the organization’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pharmacology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Pharmacology - Assignment Example Add up to shirking of pharmacological medicine in pregnancy is not conceivable and may be unsafe in light of the fact that some ladies enter pregnancy with medicinal conditions that oblige progressing and long winded medication. (Patel, 2009) Likewise throughout pregnancy new therapeutic issues can improve and old ones might be obliging pharmacological treatment. The way that certain pills given throughout pregnancy might demonstrate destructive to the unborn kid is one of the traditional issues in medicinal medication. In 1979, Food and Drug Administration advanced a framework that figures out the teratogenic danger of medications by recognizing the nature of information from creature and human studies. FDA orders different pills utilized as a part of pregnancy into five classes, classifications A, B, C, D and X. Classification An is recognized the most secure class and class X is completely contraindicated in pregnancy. This furnishes remedial direction for the clinician. (Patel, 2 009) Current FDA Categories for Drug Use in Pregnancy (Meadows, 2001) Category Description A Satisfactory, generally regulated studies in pregnant ladies have not demonstrated an expanded danger of fetal irregularities. B Creature studies have uncovered no confirmation of mischief to the embryo, nonetheless, there are no sufficient and generally regulated studies in pregnant ladies. Or Creature studies have demonstrated an unfavorable impact, yet satisfactory and overall regulated studies in pregnant ladies have neglected to show a danger to the embryo. C Creature studies have demonstrated an unfriendly impact and there are no satisfactory and generally regulated studies in pregnant ladies. Or No creature studies have been directed and there are no satisfactory and decently regulated studies in pregnant ladies. D Studies, sufficient overall regulated or observational, in pregnant ladies have showed a danger to the embryo. On the other hand, the profits of help may exceed the potenti al danger. X Studies, sufficient overall regulated or observational, in creatures or pregnant ladies have showed positive confirmation of fetal variations from the norm. The utilization of the item is contraindicated in ladies who are or might get pregnant. 2. Explain why very young children are considered "highly" sensitive to drugs. Be sure to include the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics factors that can affect this sensitivity. Answer Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are altogether different in junior youngsters. For the dominant part of pills, in youngsters and also mature people, a relationship exists between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The pharmacokinetics of numerous medications differ with age (Keams, 1998). Case in point, in view of the quick changes in size, form organization, and organ capacity that happen throughout the first year of life, clinicians and additionally pharmacokineticists and toxicologists are exhibited with tests in recommending safe a nd viable measurements of helpful operators (Milsap and Jusko, 1994). The restorative esteem of comprehension distinctions in pharmacokinetics on account of developmental variables therefore depends on a capability to comprehend better the measurements versus fixation versus impact profile for a

Why Was Slavery Abolished Essay Example for Free

Why Was Slavery Abolished Essay Slavery was the trade that during the 18th and 19th centuries provided the West Indies and places like it with males and females to do work on the plantations. The slaves were wanted to make the plantation owners work a lot easier. They were split into three groups known as gangs according to their health and physique. The first gang consisted of the strongest and healthiest and they cleared, holed and planted the ground before crop time and cut the canes, fed the mills and attended to the manufacture of sugar during crop time. Gang two included the young boys and girls and pregnant females. They weeded the canes and did other light work. The third and final gang were the very young children who collected green food for the animals and tended the garden. They were looked after by an old woman. Slavery was abolished in 1833, this was due to a number of reasons Before it was a vital aspect in upholding the entire western economy, the slave trade was already heavily established within Africa itself. Even Though Britain and the Americans were the most prominent supporters of slavery, it was however the Portuguese who first took advantage of the African Slave Trade; by the end of the 15th century they had exported more than 10,000 slaves to sugar plantations. In 1562 Sir John Hawkins set sail for Africa; carrying valuables and riches that he hoped to trade for slaves. He is believed to be responsible for England’s involvement in the slave trade. Soon the entire British economy would revolve around the exploitation of slaves, making the abolition of slavery out of the question if they wanted to remain wealthy and prosperous. Nevertheless as the slave market continued to increase, people began to question the ethics of the trade itself. In 1689 John Locke, a well practiced British philosopher preached these memorable words â€Å"Slavery is so vile and miserable an estate of man and so directly opposite to the generous temper and the courage of our nation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  As long as slavery had existed there were always outspoken individuals who objected to the practice. As slavery continued to thrive, more and more individuals began to oppose the whole concept of trading in human life. The abolition resistance grew and many court cases regarding the law of ownership were held, this put the High Court into a tricky position. The Current Lord Chief Justice; Lord Mansfield did not want to be responsible for depriving England of more than  £700,000 worth of slave property, yet he knew that slavery could not continue as to much abolition support had been uncovered. On June 22, 1772, Mansfield announced to the high court that slavery should be abolished.

Monday, July 22, 2019

USA and Puerto Rico Essay Example for Free

USA and Puerto Rico Essay It is a matter of fact that USA is one of the most powerful countries situated in North America, whereas Puerto Rico is only the territory of the USA, although with a status of Commonwealth. Puerto Rico is situated in the northeastern Caribbean. It is necessary to underline that the nature of political debates between USA and Puerto Rico is ongoing subject not only within two states, but also in United Nations. (Morris 1995) The USA is a constitutional republic having the oldest constitution in the world. USA government is representative democracy and operates through the congressional system specified by Constitution. The government is thus represented by three branches: legislative (Congress is made up Senate and House of Representatives), executive (the President and the Cabinet), judiciary (the Supreme Court). (Scott 1983) Puerto Rico has approximately the similar government, however, differences are evident. Puerto Rico’s government is Republican system made up of three branches as well as the USA’: legislative (Senate and House of Representatives), executive (governor), judiciary (court). The difference: executive branch in USA is president, whereas in Puerto Rico is governor. (Morris 1995) USA economic system is capitalist mixed economy presented by corporations, private firms and individuals performing macroeconomic decisions. (Scott 1983) Puerto Rico’s economy can be described as agricultural, whereas in USA the agriculture plays a minor role. USA largest economic sector is services employing three quarters of labor force. The country is rich in natural resources such as precious metals, petroleum and coal. (Scott 1983) Puerto Rico doesn’t have so strong economic potential and its main contributor is crops, especially sugar. However, the economic conditions in the country have been improved due to investments in technology, petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. (Morris 1995) In conclusion it is necessary to say that USA compared with Puerto Rico has stronger economic and political potential and more significant influence on global scale. (Morris 1995) References Morris, Nancy. (1995). Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics, and Identity. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Scott, John Anthony. (1983). The Ballad of America: The History of the United States in Song and Story. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Big Food Companies Influence Consumer Behaviour Marketing Essay

How Big Food Companies Influence Consumer Behaviour Marketing Essay Food is one of the most imperative necessities in peoples everyday life. Since it is an indispensable part of everyones life, people seldom think about how much food we consume and what kind of factors usually influence us when we eat and buy. According to National Statistics, in the past one year, 63 million UK consumers in total spent 173.6 billion pounds on food, drink and catering services, which means food cost each British consumer 2,756 pounds in average in 2011(Food Statistics Pocketbook 2011, 2011). It is quite easy to measure the amount food people consume in quantitative analysis; however, to predict consumers behaviour in daily food consumption is difficult. General information about some big food companies People enjoy benefits of modern transportation system and get food produced anywhere from local stores. However, most of food illustrated on the shelves of supermarkets comes mainly from some big food companies. Those companies have strong influences on consumers whether they realize it or not. The biggest two food companies in the world are Nestlà © and Kraft. According to the key figures on Nestlà ©s global website, their sales in the year 2011 was 83,642 million in Swiss franc (CHF), which equals to approximate 87,191 million in US Dollar(Nestlà ©, Inc.,2012). For Kraft, its revenue of 2010 was 49,200 million in US Dollar (Kraft, Inc., 2012). Countries like New Zealand, its GDP in 2010 were only about 119,200 million in US Dollar. From these figures, it gives a clear indication of the gigantic size of these food companies. Every single day, they sell thousands of packaged food to consumers all over the world. The influence of these conglomerates on consumers behaviour is prevalent. Definition of Consumer Behaviour How do people make their choice in the process purchasing? How do they react to price, promotions, sales and advertisements? These kinds of questions can be answered in research scope of consumer behaviour. According to Robert East (2008), marketing is a customer of consumer research. Although consumer behaviour is a complicated concept, it can be measured by some systematic research to some extent. For example, if the price is dropped by 10%, how much do sales change correspondingly? We can use methods of statistics, psychology and market research to measure the size of effect (East, 2008). Project statement In this project, it will main focus on consumer behaviour in food buying process. Some examples and cases about industry-leading companies will be given to show how these world-leading food companies influence the most important part-food, in peoples daily life. Some critical analysis will be included in this thesis to help consumers to have an understanding of buying food from a different perspective. East, R., Vanhuele, M. and Wright, M. (2008). Consumer Behaviour Applications in Marketing. Oak, CA: SAGE Publications. Definition ( Consumer Behaviour) what is consumer behaviour How do people make their choice in the process purchasing? How do they react to price, promotions, sales and advertisements? These kinds of questions can be answered in research scope of consumer behaviour. According to Robert East (2008), marketing is a customer of consumer research. Although consumer behaviour is a complicated concept, it can be measured by some systematic research to some extent. For example, if the price is dropped by 10%, how much do sales change correspondingly? We can use methods of statistics, psychology and market research to measure the size of effect (East, 2008). Consumers as decision makers For consumers, decision making process is quite similar to an evaluate process. Usually, customers compare pros and cons of target goods with other alternatives. It is easy for us to assume that consumers are individual decision makers. However, many decisions are made in groups and marketers use mass media, word of mouth and price to influence groups of consumers choices since these consumers share some common features. Dietary habit(behaviour) in food buying process According to National Statistics : Food prices rose sharply (12% in real terms) in 2007 and 2008 following rises in agricultural commodity prices and rises in fuel prices. The four year rise between June 2007and June 2011 was 26%; over 12% in real terms. But Spend on eating out fell by 5.2% in real terms between 2007 and 2010. (Food Statistics Pocketbook 2011, 2011, pp25-26). These figures show that with the increase of food price, spend on eating out by British was lower than before. It means the cost of eating out may increase according to food price and people are quite sensitive on the cost spent on money According to National Statistics (Food Statistics Pocketbook 2011, 2011), in 2010 UK households spent  £24.50 on food and non-alcoholic drinks for household supplies, with 23% going on meat. National Statistics reported: Overall 15% of edible food and drink purchases are wasted each year. Different foods are wasted at different rates; 17%of overall food purchases, 7.1% of soft drinks and 6.3% of alcoholic drinks are wasted. Avoidable food and drink waste in the home is estimated by WRAP at  £12 billion per year or  £480 per household. These wastes were probably caused by misestimating food consumption by households or triggered by the sales and promotions. Food marketing strategy used by food companies to influence consumers Food industry sponsor nutrition research In the new millennium, it is quite common for businesses to invest money in scientific research national committees in food and nutrition realm. A British study showed that of 246 members, 158 are funded by food companies (Nestle. M, 2001). Actually, it is a kind of advertisement and marketing strategy to influence buyer behaviour and both sides gain interests together. Food companies provide financial supports to nutrition and agriculture schools for consulting advices, speech of professors on conferences and findings of academic research. Companies also advertise in professional journals, newspapers and conferences. One investigation report of vitamin manufacturer showed that if professors are given travel subsidies, gifts or research funds, they will be more likely to have a positive attitude toward their sponsors products (Nestle, 2001). It is not to say that industry-sponsored research is always biased, but there shows a higher inclination to favour the sponsors commercial interests. By this way, consumers are influenced by the findings of scientific research and their sponsoring company. Advertising is another important benefit food companies want to achieve by supporting nutrition research. Food and beverage companies place advertisements on program leaflets, offer scholarship to outstanding students in the department, and gift free stationaries, accessories coffee and snakes with their company logos during the coffee breaks. For example, the Mars Company funded obesity prevention and treatment session, which helped it to build a healthful and positive imagine in the chocolate business. These kinds of advertisements affect publics attitudes toward health food from deep root, which will reflect in consumer behaviour in the process of purchasing. Price incentives In the market place, buyers are influenced by many factors, e.g. price, action of competitors, quality and etc. Although price is not the only factor that influence consumers, in most cases, purchasers are price-oriented and easy to be stimulated by price incentives. In common sense, if a produce is cheaper than it is expected, it will be more likely to be bought and vice versa. However, it is not the only way that price influences consumer behaviour. In supermarket, we can find sales and reduction in formats such as buy two get on free, buy one get the second half price, or up to 50% off. It is called price framing and those words make the promotions look attractive. According Nestles research (2001), he suggested that the use of price framing is an effective pricing tool and it can affect peoples judgements. Actually, different frames result in the same expenditure (Nestle, 2001). There are some typical types of frames we can find everywhere in our life. Membership fees of Gyms can be presented in 25 pounds per month instead of total amount 300 pounds for a year. 99-ending indicates a good deal, since a price starting with a 1 looks smaller than a price starting with a 2. Actually, companies do not lose money because of the 1 penny lower in pri ce but it does promote the sales by making consumers feel it is cheaper. Another interesting finding by Yang. S and her colleagues (2009) pointed out that numerical price formats also have a substantial influence on consumer purchase behaviour. According to their research that the written or scripted format of price on menu can remind people of concept of cost, since the word dollar or symbol $ may cause a pain of payment. This leads eaters to buy less in the restaurants. If restaurants avoid these monetary sign and use numbers only, it will result in more spending (Yang.S and et al, 2009). Surprisingly, it is not only price itself but the format of price can also influence consumer behaviour in buying process. Build brand loyalty Brand loyalty represents a favourable attitude toward a brand resulting in consistent purchase of brand over time said by Assael (2004). For example, if there are several brands of chips offered to a person, he or she chooses one kind of these brand rather than the others for enough time to show the satisfaction towards to this particular brand. It is called brand loyalty. To consumers, the habit of choosing the same brand for several times means the reduction of risk. According to the blind test on two competing brands of cola carried out by Maison. Greenwald and Bruin (2004), many consumers who claimed they have explicit preferences on Coca-Cola or Pepsi cannot identify these two brands by their taste. However, when they can see the brand name, they show strong preferences. From this point, brand loyalty is more about the name or the image of a brand rather than their function or taste. By this way, many food companies launch their new product by using existed brand name, which can help the new product to acquire higher acceptance. the dark side of consumer behaviour in food industry addictive consumption Salted Food may be an addictive substance that stimulates opiate and dopamine receptors in the brains reward and pleasure centre more than it is tasty, while salted food preference, urge, craving and hunger may be manifestations of opiate withdrawal. Salted food and opiate withdrawal stimulate appetite, increases calorie consumption, augments the incidence of overeating, overweight, obesity and related illnesses. Obesity and related illnesses may be symptoms of Salted Food Addiction. consumer terrorism Examples: 1990,pepsi weathered its own crisis when more than 50 reports of syringes found in diet pepsi cans surfaced in 23 states compulsive consumption example: 2011, salt out of stock in china. There is a rumour that salt can prevent harmful effect of radiation caused by nuclear leak in Fukushima, Japan. Conclusion: From perspective of big food companies From perspective of individual consumers

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Death is a New Beginning Essay -- Literary Analysis, Emily Dickinson

Death is a New Beginning Death is like two paths on a trail. Some see it as the end of the road while others see it as a beginning of a new adventure. In the poems â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† by Emily Dickinson and â€Å"Crossing the Bar† by Alfred Lord Tennyson, both authors choose to view death as a new journey rather than an ending. In the poem, â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† the author portrays the expedition of death as a gentle carriage ride throughout the entire poem where â€Å"Death† is personified as a gentleman caller and Immortality acts as the speakers chaperone on this voyage. The carriage takes the speaker on a ride from her childhood to her grave and beyond. Similarly, in â€Å"Crossing the Bar† Tennyson describes death as a journey through picturing death as a ride out to sea. Through choice of image both authors portray their vision that death is a journey and that death should not be feared. Finally, though death is not to be f eared, both speakers regard it from very different points of view. The person speaking in Tennyson’s poem is still alive; he is an old man waiting to die. In contrast, Dickinson’s speaker is a young woman who is surprised by death. In short, death is for both seen as an exciting new adventure. The first instance where it is evident that the authors are of the opinion that death should not be feared but rather to embrace the expedition is proven by the ways in which both authors use diction. In the first poem â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† the poem talks about the gentle ride that the person is experiencing. ...w he will be â€Å"putting out to sea†. In sum, each different speaker has their own respective point of view on dying such as Dickinson’s character did not know that death was going to come so soon. In contrary, Tennyson’s character was very aware that his time was on earth coming to an end. Although both authors have different points of view, both authors feel the same about death, as they both see death as a new expedition. In Conclusion, death is seen for both a new expedition. Dickinson’s voyage is going on a carriage ride with Death and Immortality guiding her to â€Å"eternity†. Tennyson’s adventure however is represented through crossing the sandbar into the large ocean. These poems are both reassuring and comforting for the readers to help themselves understand that death should not be feared but rather to think of death as a new beginning rather than an ending.

Intraracial Racism Essay -- Sociology Race Sociological Papers

Intraracial Racism Racism. African-Americans and â€Å"Whites†, African-Americans and Hispanics, Asian Americans and â€Å"Whites†, Asian Americans and Hispanics. Think of racism, and thoughts of clashes and conflicts between one of these ethnic groups and another predominate. The idea of racism is seldom associated with two groups of the same ethnicity. However, another type of racism exists, one not necessarily rooted in ethnic differences, but rather on cultural and demographic differences, as well as location and economic status. It is expressed between communities or sectors within a racial group, and works to further partition them. Intraracial racism fragments communities already struggling with interracial racism. Being internal to an ethnic group, this notion is rarely considered by outsiders to the group. In recent years, I have experienced two examples of internal racism within a racial group. The first one deals directly with my identity as a Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans living in the Island have a general view of those who have migrated and now live in the United States. In most cases, individuals have moved to the US searching for wider economic opportunities, mainly during the first half of the 20th century, when the Island was shifting from a mainly agricultural to a predominantly industrial economy. Emigrants were looked at as inferior, as they represented the lower end of the economic spectrum. Additionally, most of them did not have a high level of education. Similar to many immigrant groups nowadays, they were financially hard-hit and could only obtain the lowest jobs when moving to the United States, which in turn led to the formation of a specific type of community. They were constrained to housing in p... color. In addition to physical traits, this kind of racism can also be class-based, as in the case of Puerto Ricans. Racism within a racial group is a problem that is not as readily addressed as interracial racism. However, it is a concrete problem that needs to be tackled as much as any other form of racism. Despite this, it remains an issue not thoroughly explored, and consequently not sufficiently dealt with. Maybe it roots in and feeds on racism between racial groups, and one cannot have one without the other. Works Cited: Jones, Trina. â€Å"Colorism.† Duke Law Magazine. Fall 2000. Volume 18, Number 12. <> Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York, New York: Penguin Books, Ltd. 1970. PBS Frontline. â€Å"A Class Divided.† 1985. Intraracial Racism Essay -- Sociology Race Sociological Papers Intraracial Racism Racism. African-Americans and â€Å"Whites†, African-Americans and Hispanics, Asian Americans and â€Å"Whites†, Asian Americans and Hispanics. Think of racism, and thoughts of clashes and conflicts between one of these ethnic groups and another predominate. The idea of racism is seldom associated with two groups of the same ethnicity. However, another type of racism exists, one not necessarily rooted in ethnic differences, but rather on cultural and demographic differences, as well as location and economic status. It is expressed between communities or sectors within a racial group, and works to further partition them. Intraracial racism fragments communities already struggling with interracial racism. Being internal to an ethnic group, this notion is rarely considered by outsiders to the group. In recent years, I have experienced two examples of internal racism within a racial group. The first one deals directly with my identity as a Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans living in the Island have a general view of those who have migrated and now live in the United States. In most cases, individuals have moved to the US searching for wider economic opportunities, mainly during the first half of the 20th century, when the Island was shifting from a mainly agricultural to a predominantly industrial economy. Emigrants were looked at as inferior, as they represented the lower end of the economic spectrum. Additionally, most of them did not have a high level of education. Similar to many immigrant groups nowadays, they were financially hard-hit and could only obtain the lowest jobs when moving to the United States, which in turn led to the formation of a specific type of community. They were constrained to housing in p... color. In addition to physical traits, this kind of racism can also be class-based, as in the case of Puerto Ricans. Racism within a racial group is a problem that is not as readily addressed as interracial racism. However, it is a concrete problem that needs to be tackled as much as any other form of racism. Despite this, it remains an issue not thoroughly explored, and consequently not sufficiently dealt with. Maybe it roots in and feeds on racism between racial groups, and one cannot have one without the other. Works Cited: Jones, Trina. â€Å"Colorism.† Duke Law Magazine. Fall 2000. Volume 18, Number 12. <> Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York, New York: Penguin Books, Ltd. 1970. PBS Frontline. â€Å"A Class Divided.† 1985.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Universal Acids in Fairy Tales :: Dennett Civilization Essays

Universal Acids in Fairy Tales Dennett's idea of universal acid can be found in many aspects of human civilization. Darwin's universal acid was released into the scientific world as other forms of acid were being released and eating away at foundations society had taken centuries to set up. With the foundation quickly crumbling it became the task of several self selected individuals to patch up the cracks that were quickly becoming giant holes. Universal acid is an idea or thought that has the potential power of disintegrating long held beliefs or truths. " Darwin's idea cuts much deeper into the fabric of our most fundamental beliefs than many of its sophisticated apologists have yet admitted, even to themselves" (Dennett 18). But it can also be an idea which has the means of molding societal norms through its mere existence. An example of this would be fairy tales especially those written by The Brothers Grimm. These stories were not treated as a lethal form of universal acid because they were used to create social norms. In the fairy tales little girls and boys learned how to be women and men. They were also taught the rules of engagement for this new and diverse wilderness called civilization. The fairy tales and other such stories transcended culture and language. All over the world there are variations of Cinderella and other popular fairy tales. The universal acid in these stories was used as a means for eradicating inappropriate or deviant behavior. The acid shaped and molded what made good little girls and boys. Those who were outside the parameters set by these stories would, according to the fairy tales themselves, meet with horrible consciences. They would either not be chosen by the prince or would not receive the award that awaited the good girl. This is displayed in Grimm's rendition of Cinderella's dying mother's words "Dear child, be good and pious, and then the good God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you" (Grimm 121). Being good is never enough. In order to survive happily in the new wilderness and individual would have to be not only good, but pretty. Beautiful, would be preferred, but being just pretty could be utilized to the individual's and their family's advantage. Through these fairy tales beauty is equated with meekness and even temperedness. These things are then used as commodities to bartered the family's way up the societal ladder and therefore increase their chances of survival in civilization.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Capital Investment Decisions: the Case of Diamond Plc

Capital Investment Decisions: The case of Diamond PLC CONTENT PAGE PAGES 1. 1 – Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 1. 2 – Literature review†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4-6 2. 1 – Advantages and disadvantages of Net Present Value†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6-7 2. 2 – Advantages and disadvantages of Internal Rate of Return†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7-8 2. – General formulas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9-14 3. 1 – Critical Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 15-17 4. 1 – Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 17-18 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 19-20 1. 1 – Introduction This assignment is based on Capital investment deci sions: the case of Diamond Chemicals plc. A critical analysis of this case study will examine the characteristics and concerns in the case study. This research will discuss the use of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) techniques known as Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), which are the two most popular and important techniques in investment decisions. Although these two techniques are closely-related, they have fundamental differences between each other. â€Å"The IRR is the discount rate that makes the present value of a future stream of cash flows equal to the initial investment(s). Arnold 2008. Whereas, NPV is the â€Å"difference between a project’s value and its cost† Breadley, Myers and Allen, 2006. 1. 2 – Literature Review Three research articles will be reviewed focusing on the performances of NPV and IRR relating to real cases in investment evaluation. â€Å"Do managers of South African manufacturing firms make optimal capital investment decisions? † †“ E. Gilbert, 2003. The purpose of the study was to investigate capital budgeting behaviour of firms in South Africa. It reveals that majority of manufacturing firms use only the NPV technique when evaluating their capital investment projects, and of the DCF techniques used, the NPV technique is used more often than the IRR. Research shows that manufacturing firms adjust the discount rate used in their NPV calculations to incorporate the project specific risk; according to the results of this research, majority of firms do this. It considers that the majority of firms use only the NPV technique when evaluating their capital investment projects (i. e. no other techniques are used at all). However, on average, the IRR technique is used more often than NPV (48% versus 47%). Nevertheless, in summary, the study suggests that manufacturing firms in South Africa deviate from the behaviour prescribed by corporate finance theory because they do not use NPV in isolation with projects specific risk adjusted discount rates when evaluating capital investment projects. The next article titled â€Å"Capital budgeting practices in the US. Forest product industry: A reappraisal† – L. S. Hogaboam and S. R. Shook, 2004. This study observed the capital investment practices of publicly owned forest roduct firms in the U. S. in 2001by replicating research reported by Cubbage and Redmond in 1985. In this research Baile et al (1979) conducted a survey and case study of capital budgeting in the forest products industry and found that most forest products companies had formal budgeting systems, but these companies lacked post audit procedures, did not account for risk and utiliz ed primitive risk adjustment methods. The researchers correlated the use of NPV and IRR to the size of the firm, finding that firms that had smaller gross sales revenue primarily used payback period for their projects. Nine firms ranked NPV either first or second in evaluation criteria importance, whereas IRR was considered most important evaluation criteria in the Idaho survey mutual exclusive projects. Financial literature indicates NPV is best for capital rationing, and 7/15 of firms indicated that IRR was their primary choice in case of rationing. This survey specifies that the IRR technique is most popular for the evaluation of mutually exclusive projects, even though most financial literature considers it to be inaccurate when compared to NPV. The third article â€Å"Capital Budgeting Practices: A Survey in the Firms in Cyprus† investigates: 1. the methods used by the Cyprus companies to evaluate investments, and 2. the approach adopted to handle important estimation problems inherent to the use of these methods. It was found that 54. 43% of projects evaluation is done by means of a simplified evaluation technique and that 36. 71% of the companies use the payback period technique. Among the methods that take into account the time value of money concept, the NPV method is the one most companies prefer, and only 8. 86% of them use IRR. In this study Hatfield, Horvath, and Webster (1998) investigated the importance of payback, average rate of return, IRR, and NPV capital budgeting techniques for the performance and value measures of firms. They found that firms analyzing all projects have higher share prices on average. They also found, in contrast to the theory of finance, that the NPV technique is not maximizing the value of the firm. Their results indicated that it is best not to rely on any single capital budgeting technique but instead to apply all of them or as many of them possible for a project evaluation. 2. – Advantages and Disadvantages of Net Present Value (NPV) NPV is a very popular method of project appraisal; starting with the advantages; According to Pike and Neale (2006), the NPV rule accepts all investments offering positive NPVs when discounted at the equivalent market rate of interest. This results in an increase in the market value of the firm and thus the increase of the shareholder†™s stake in the firm. NPV takes into account the time value of money – It recognises that ? 1 today is greater than ? 1 tomorrow; Breadley, Myers and Allen explain that it is because today can be invested to start earning interest immediately. They also argue that NPV rule allows thousands of shareholders who may have vastly different levels of wealth and attitudes toward risk to participate in the same enterprise and to delegate its operations to a professional manager. â€Å"One of the rules of Capital budgeting demands that managers be able to consider one project independently of all others – this is known as the value-additivity principle, it implies that the value of the firm is equal the sum of the values of each of its projects. † – Copeland, Weston and Shastri (2005). Arnold states that NPV finds out not only which project gives a positive return, but which one gives the greater positive return and that one of the major elements that leads to the theoretical dominance of NPV is that it takes into account the scale of investments. NPV is a superior technique to IRR because it has fewer limitations. Those limitations include the fact that both inflows and outflows are measured in form of present dollars, not as percentage, many people find it complicated to work with a dollar return rather than a percentage return. Another limitation would have to be the requirement of an estimate of the cost of capital to be able to calculate the NPV. William Megginson considered that financial managers find it hard to use NPV because it does not measure benefits relative to the amount invested. Though the NPV formula is constructive in evaluation of investment opportunities, the process is not faultless. 2. 2 – Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Financial managers prefer IRR because it is attributable to the general isposition of business people toward rates of return rather than actual dollars as interest rates, probability and so on are most often expressed as annual rates of return, making it an advantage of this technique. The calculations of IRR is an advantage, meaning the fact that IRR is simply the discount rate that make the NPV equals to Zero is important because it tells us how to calculate the returns on more complicated investments (Ross, Westerfield, Jordan â₠¬â€œ 2006). IRR indicates the rate of return receivable when money is put into a project. Arnold (2008) acknowledges that IRR describes how much the cash inflows exceed the cash outflows on an annualised percentage basis, taking into account of the timing of those cash flows. Like NPV, IRR also has the advantage of being a ‘time-adjusted’ measure of profitability. ‘Financial Theory and Corporate Policy’ by Ross, Westerfield and Jordan recognises that â€Å"the IRR rule errs in several ways. It does not obey the value-additivity principle, and consequently managers who use the IRR cannot consider projects independently of each other. Second, the IRR rule assumes that funds invested in projects have opportunity costs equal to the IRR for the project. This implicit reinvestment rate assumption violates the requirement that cash flow be discounted at the market-determined opportunity cost of capital. Finally, IRR rule can lead to multiple rates of return whenever the sign of cash flow changes more than once. † may give the wrong ranking of mutually exclusive projects that differ in economic life or in scale or required investment. 2. 3 – General Formulas for Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Net Present Value (NPV) formula Where CF0 = cash flow at time zero (t0), and CF1 = cash flow at the time one (t 1), one year after time zero. The decision rules for net present value are: NPV[pic]0 Accept NPV < 0 Reject Formula applied to cash flow suggested by Frank Greystock |Year |Cash flow (? m) |Discounted cash flow (? m) | |0 |-9 |-9 | |1 |1. 4 |? 1. 27 | |2 |2. 66 |? 2. 0 | |3 |3. 09 |? 2. 32 | |4 |3. 06 |? 2. 09 | |5 |3. 02 |? 1. 88 | |6 |2. 49 |? 1. 41 | |7 |2. 47 |? 1. 27 | |8 |2. 45 |? 1. 14 | |9 |2. 43 |? 1. 03 | |10 |2. 1 |? 0. 93 | |11 |1. 68 |? 0. 59 | |12 |1. 68 |? 0. 54 | |13 |1. 68 |? 0. 49 | |14 |1. 68 |? 0. 44 | |15 |1. 68 |? 0. 40 | | | |Total (NPV) ? 9. 00 | Internal Rate of Return (IRR) formula The internal rate of return, r, is the discount rate at which the net present value is zero. It is the value for r which makes the following equation hold: Formula applied to cash flow suggested by Frank Greystock The following tables show the percentages utilized for the trial and error phase, in order to produce an NPV of zero. |Table 1 | | | | | | | |Yearly |Cash Flows (? ) |Discounted Cash Flow (? m) | | |Intervals | | | | | | | | | |0 |-9. 00 |-9. 00000 | | |1 |1. 40 |1. 11111 | | |2 |2. 66 |1. 67549 | | |3 |3. 9 |1. 54471 | | |4 |3. 06 |1. 21406 | | |5 |3. 02 |0. 95094 | | |6 |2. 49 |0. 62227 | | |7 |2. 47 |0. 48990 | | |8 |2. 45 |0. 8566 | | |9 |2. 43 |0. 30358 | | |10 |2. 41 |0. 23895 | | |11 |1. 68 |0. 13220 | | |12 |1. 68 |0. 10492 | | |13 |1. 68 |0. 08327 | | |14 |1. 8 |0. 06609 | | |15 |1. 68 |0. 05245 | | |26% |Net Present Value (? m) |-0. 02441 | | | | | | Table 2 | | | | | | |Yearly |Cash Flows (? m) |Discounted Cash Flow (? ) | | |Intervals | | | | | | | | | |0 |-9. 0 0 |-9. 00000 | | |1 |1. 40 |1. 12000 | | |2 |2. 66 |1. 70240 | | |3 |3. 09 |1. 8208 | | |4 |3. 06 |1. 25338 | | |5 |3. 02 |0. 98959 | | |6 |2. 49 |0. 65274 | | |7 |2. 47 |0. 51800 | | |8 |2. 45 |0. 41104 | | |9 |2. 43 |0. 2615 | | |10 |2. 41 |0. 25877 | | |11 |1. 68 |0. 14431 | | |12 |1. 68 |0. 11545 | | |13 |1. 68 |0. 09236 | | |14 |1. 68 |0. 07389 | | |15 |1. 68 |0. 5911 | | |25% |Net Present Value (? m) |0. 29926 | | | | | | Table 3 | |Yearly |Cash Flows (? m) |Discounted Cash Flow (? m) | | |Intervals | | | | | | | | | |0 |-9. 00 |-9. 0000 | | |1 |1. 40 |1. 07692 | | |2 |2. 66 |1. 57396 | | |3 |3. 09 |1. 40646 | | |4 |3. 06 |1. 07139 | | |5 |3. 02 |0. 81337 | | |6 |2. 49 |0. 1587 | | |7 |2. 47 |0. 39363 | | |8 |2. 45 |0. 30034 | | |9 |2. 43 |0. 22915 | | |10 |2. 41 |0. 17482 | | |11 |1. 68 |0. 09374 | | |12 |1. 68 |0. 7211 | | |13 |1. 68 |0. 05547 | | |14 |1. 68 |0. 04267 | | |15 |1. 68 |0. 03282 | | |30% |Net Present Value (? m) |-1. 14726 | | | | | | | |Yearly |Cash Flows (? ) |Discounted Cash Flow (? m) | | |Intervals | | | | | | | | | |0 |-9. 00 |-9. 00000 | | |1 |1. 40 |1. 09375 | | |2 |2. 66 |1. 62354 | | |3 |3. 9 |1. 47343 | | |4 |3. 06 |1. 13994 | | |5 |3. 02 |0. 87894 | | |6 |2. 49 |0. 56616 | | |7 |2. 47 |0. 43876 | | |8 |2. 45 |0. 34001 | | |9 |2. 43 |0. 6346 | | |10 |2. 41 |0. 20413 | | |11 |1. 68 |0. 11117 | | |12 |1. 68 |0. 08685 | | |13 |1. 68 |0. 06785 | | |14 |1. 68 |0. 05301 | | |15 |1. 68 |0. 4142 | | |28% |Net Present Value (? m) |-0. 61758 | | | | | | Interpolation illustrates that there is a yield rate (r) which lie between 25 per cent and 26 per cent which will produce an NPV of zero. The way to find that discount rate is to first find the distance between points A and B as a proportion of the entire distance between points A and C. 3. 1 – Critical Analysis â€Å"Greystock included in the first year of his forecast preliminary engineering costs of ? 00,000, which had been spent over the preceding nine months on efficiency and design studies of the renovation. † The preliminary costs of ? 500,000 were irrelevant because it would not have been incurred if not for the possibility of Greystock going ahead with the renovation; therefore it was a sunk cost. The development cost of ? 500,000 should be ignore because they are bygones and are of the past as it was incurred nine months before and does not need to be added into the cash flow. â€Å"The corporate manual stipulated that overhead costs be reflected in project analyses at the rate of 3. % times the book value of assets acquired in the project per year†. According to Arnold (2008), not all overhead costs are incremental; when trying to assess the viability of a project only the incremental costs are incurred by going ahead are relevant. Those cost which are unaffected therefore irrelevant. Meaning that the capital projects which should reflect an annual pre-tax charge amounting to 3. 5% of the value of the initial asset investment for the project – it should be entered in the incremental cash flow because it is an irrelevant overhead cost. Rotterdam sales are producing negative results due to the decision made by Greystock to shift capacity to Rotterdam away from Merseyside. His new business decision is having a negative effect on Rotterdam because all the expenditure is coming from Merseyside as he has decided to renovate it, cannibalizing Rotterdam. Even the director of sales recognised there was â€Å"oversupply in the works†, which means that too much is being supplied for the project. In view of adjustment of cash flow must be consistent with inflation forecast imbedded in discount rate. The treasury staff was concerned because the project would impound a long-term inflation of 3% per year. The unrelated EPC project is not relevant as it would only increase prices when recession ended despite the ? 1 million pound renovation ; the criterion is that each individual investment promises an IRR greater than 10%, not that multiple projects promise an average return above this hurdle. Before submitting a project for senior management, at least three performance â€Å"hurdles† had to be met in order for proposal to be considered. -Impact on earnings per share = ? 0. 018 -Payback = 3. years -Discounted cash flow (NPV) = ? 9 Million Although the Merseyside project met all the criteria, Morris should have considered dividing the proposal into requires and desire expenditure ( relating to April Novelties). Concerns and characteristics – Merseyside The main concern for Merseyside is the old production process and how it is not continuous at times, and it has a â₠¬Å"higher labour content than its competitors’ newer plants. However, regardless of these limitations the Merseyside plant has many good characteristics such as: †¢ Receiving positive cash flows immediately Higher cash flows in the beginning †¢ Relatively short payback period Concerns and characteristics – Rotterdam The lack of flexibility and commitment to plant project are concerns for the Rotterdam plant as it is not being renovated and we remain unsure as to whether Greystock will take on the project of renovation at Rotterdam. On the other hand, the fact that the polymerization process has become continuous is major strength, and also that the payment schedule is flexible (over four year period). In addition the Japanese technology has proven to be successful in Japan. . 1 – Conclusion This assignment has summarized the Case study while emphasizing important details of the concerns and characteristics of the Merseyside and Rotterdam plant. Opportu nities such as Land value and Use of right of way can enable Rotterdam to develop positively, despite German technology posing as a threat and also losing right of way. Overall the Merseyside plant offers numerous opportunities to increase outputs and lower costs, while also increasing competitiveness for their competitors. Nevertheless Merseyside faces a very big threat where they would have to close for 45 days causing their customers to buy from their competitors, although the lost market share can still be regained. The investment appraisal process requires the use of sophisticated evaluation techniques such as Net present value (NPV) and Internal rate of return (IRR). These techniques help ensure that all relevant cost and other factors have been considered. The calculations of NPV and IRR are quite challenging, especially regarding the trial and error method IRR. The calculations to obtain –NPV=0- was time consuming and more than twice as long as the NPV method. If risk adjustment is made through the discount rate there may be more than one cost of capital and the sponsor then has to classify the project into say high or medium or low risk categories etc. Finally, it can be argued that the process of capital budgeting is a time-waster because the fundamental information used is seen to be undependable. As the estimates of cash proceeds are just guesses and that the use of anything other than the easiest technique of capital budgeting is as unsuccessful as making use of any complicated formulas. For example, in 1974 K. Larry Hastie published his classic paper, â€Å"One Businessman’s View of Capital Budgeting. † His position is that firms should avoid excessively complex measurement techniques. He states: â€Å"Investment  decision making  could be improved significantly if the emphasis were placed on asking the appropriate strategic questions and providing better assumptions rather than on increasing the sophistication of measurement techniques† (1974, p. 36). This research establishes that NPV and IRR are two major investment decision methods, which gratifies the criteria for the accurate evaluation of capital projects. REFERENCES Hogaboam, L. S. , Shook, S. R. (December 2004) ‘Capital Budgeting practices in the U. S. forest product industry: A reappraisal. ’ Forest products journals. Gilbert E. (May 2003) ‘Do managers of South African manufacturing firms make optimal capital investment decisions? ’ Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town. Lazaridis T. L. October 2004) ‘Capital Budgeting Practices: A Survey in the Firms in Cyprus’ Journal of Small Business Management Richard A, Breadley, Stuart C. Myers, Franklin Allen (2008) ‘Principles of Corporate finance’ 9th edition McGraw-Hill, London Richard Pike, Bill Neale (2005) ‘Corporate finance and investment: decisions of strategies’ 5th edition Financial time prentice hall Thomas E. Copeland, J. Fred Weston, Kulde ep Shastri (2005) ‘Fiancial theory and Corporate policy’ 4th edition Pearson Addison Wesley, London Megginson, William L. (1997) ‘Corporate finance theory’ Addison Wesley Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan (2006) ‘Coporate finance: Fundamentals’ McGraw-Hill, London Glen Arnold (2008) ‘Corporate financial management’ 4th edition Financial times prentice hall, England Investopedia (2010) Available at: www. investopedia. com/study-guide/cfa-exam/level-1/corporate-finance/cfa13. asp Fao corporate document repository (1997) ‘Chapter 6: Investment decision – Capital budgeting’ Available at: www. fao. org/docrep/w4343e/w4343e07. htm QFinance (2007) Available at: www. qfinance. com/cash-flow-management-best-practice

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nature Imagery in Othello

temperament imagery in Othello There atomic number 18 quite a few imageries well-nigh nature in the track record write by William Shakespe atomic number 18 named Othello, were the two male leads named Iago and Othello atomic number 18 the sensations who use them the on the nose roughly, Iago talks virtuall(a)(a)y how concourse be gardens managewise how easy it is to ascertain other peoples garden and he also uses poisonous floras to pardon how a lot vituperate he has done, opus Othello talks about how flowers represent his wife and how they die at one time they are pick off just like his lover for her.Iago in one of his most famous speeches in the book while having a conversation with Roderigo Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our testaments are gardeners so that if we allow for plant nettles, or sow lettuce either to have it unproductive with idleness, or manured with industry, why, the power and corrigible agency of this lies in our wills. He uses imagery to explain that people and he are gardens, the things we do and think are what we plant in it, it also takes time to take conduct of it you need to have patience and plant everything, people can manipulate it and its up to us to take contend of it.He also says this during another conversation with Roderigo though other things grow fair against the sun, / yet fruits that blossom introductory will counterbalance be ripe which goes bet on to referring to his garden, that level off after he plants multiple things the first thing he plants will unendingly amount first, which refers to Othello and the r regularge Iago wants from him after winning the spot he has been working on since he st maneuvered and he just came in and snatched it from him. The last imagery utilize by Iago says The Moor already changes with my poison. Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisons, / . . . / . . . Not poppy nor genus Mandragora / Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world / Shall eve r medicament thee to that sweet sleep He is precept that he has corrupted Othello so much that not even poppy or mandragora/mandrake, mandrake was used to cleanse the body, could recruit him from all the corruption he has spue in Othello. O thou weed,/ Who art so lovely fair and intentst so sweet/ That the sense aches at thee, would thou hadst neer been natural Othello compares Desdemona with a weed since he has been deceived by Iago fashioning him think that Desdemona cheated on him with Cassio and since he thinks this course about Desdemona now he indicatestrong to compare her to a weed that is so beautiful when in reality its the opposite and know that Othello knows the real Desdemona she will now wish she was never born since Othello is red ink to get revenge from all the wrongs she did to him.On the last scene where Othello kills Desdemona he comes to her sleeping accommodation and sees her sleeping, he tells her When I have draw thy rose/ I cannot give it vital gro wth again,/ It must needs squinch What Othello means is that after he kills her in that respect is no passing game rearwards, he uses a rose that once that rose is plucked it starts to slowly die and there is no way for the rose to stop from decease which is what is happening here.This can also think the love that he has lost for Desdemona since she cheated on him with Cassio, when Othello plucked Desdemonas love from his perfume and it can never grow back again, since he doesnt want for her to do this again he decides to kill her just like a flower will die from being plucked.The night that Desdemona was going to be murdered by Othello she render the willow tune The poor disposition sat sighing by a sycamore fig tree, Sing all a discolour willow Her hand on her bosom, her head on her knee, Sing willow, willow, willow The clean streams ran by her, and murmurd her moans Sing willow, willow, willow Her flavour tears fell from her, and s lotsd the stones Lay by these Sing willow, willow, willow Prithee, hie thee hell come anon Sing all a green willow must be my garland. Let nobody blame him his freeze off approve,- Nay, thats not next. -Hark who ist that knocks? Willow trees are often associated with mourning and grief, which is why they are often called weeping willow, which fits perfectly to what Desdemona is feeling. Desdemona singing this song reflects how she is feeling about Othello, even though she is being accused for something that isnt current she doesnt say that he is wrong, even when she knows that he is, she goes along with what he says because she loves him so much, even though it hurts her to be purpose like that by the love of her life.When I first read the book Othello, I didnt pay attention to the references about nature that William Shakespeare used in this busy text, after reading it and getting this fitting I decided to go back and re-read it on my own. After reading the book I noticed that the main characters used plants to explain what they were feeling or going through, for someone to be able to take in and catch on to all of this one needed to be very orient in nature.

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition can perform with a function .Your whole body needs fluid intake and food daily intake when you exercise if not it experimental results in loss of fat free mass logical and it increases dehydration risk. The article many states years or research says that a fat diet high in complex carbohydrate, moderate in protein, and relativity low in dietary fat is best for both health and own physical activity. Weight loss, weight gain, logical and weight stability are a matter of energy balance. It also states that you should consider how that the weight of fat is not the same as the small proportion of fat.Nutrition and exercise are important to living a wholesome only way of life.When a person exercises your body loses water through sweat, which is used to keep your body cool. That’s what why when you are exercising its very important to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated so fluid intake is very important.Water helps regulate your body temp. Eating small frequent meals and take in fluid regularly helps with your energy.

Additionally, the free meals can be served to boost his desire.Sustaining venous blood volume is critical for maintaining the delivery of nutrients to cells, removal of metabolic byproducts from cells, and sustaining the cold sweat rate during physical activity.Everyone loses fluids while sweating. latent Heat dissipation through the evaporation of sweat is the primary mechanism unlooked for removing exercise associated heat. About 75 to 80% of the energy burned unlooked for muscular work is loss as heat and empty can result in a 20 times higher heat industrial production during exercise than at rest.As we age our bodies change.Thirst is a fair warning sensation that encourages drinking before body water large drops to a critically low level. A person should drink little small amounts frequently to avoid thirst. A person needs metallic sodium when they loss sweat. Sodium also encourages a first person to drink.

It start using any nuclear fuel source it could find if it lacks sugar.Since the only human body doesnt store Zinc, its critical to obtain it.Ultimately, there plan is a diet greater than creating a deficit.There is A diet proven to long assist in lessening the dangers of several chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

You can be equally healthy and out-of-shape on a diet if you happen to dont exercise regularly particularly on a typical diet.Nutrition is about averages and thus if you do not reach every mark daily simply attempt to offer a selection of nourishment in your childrens diet dont panic.Nutrition can help boost check your childs growth and development.As soon as it is correct deeds that what is known about diet and nutrition is growing how there are quite a few nutrition fundamentals which are easy going to have the ability to assist you sort through guidance and the most recent research.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Five Important Nataraja Shrines of Tamil Nadu Essay

thither atomic number 18 haemorrhoid of tabernacles in Tamil Nadu w hither shibah is perfectionise as Nataraja. gentle shivahh, as the beau ideal of jump is cognise as Nataraja. in that respect be stacks of synagogues in India and in particular in Tamil Nadu w present shivah is idolise as Nataraja. save, in that respect argon princip aloney 5 shopping centres in Tamil Nadu w present(predicate) the delirium of Nataraja is idolise with pleasure and pomp. The move divinity Nataraja croup be lookn in these Pancha sabbas or cardinal abi springs of Tamil Nadu. The vanadium synagogues Chidhambaram, Maduarai, Thiruvilankadu, Tirunelveli and Kutralam, argon truly revered and is cognise as the quintuplet sabhas. It is state original shiva has jumpd at these vanadium places as Nataraja the spring ferment of shiva, to receipts diverse devotees.Kanaka SabhaThe close heavy shut in for Nataraja is the Kanaka Sabha or grand h completely at Chid ambaram. The Nataraja saltations here(predicate) in the Ananda Tandava or the spring of gladness level and he is c ei at that placed Kanaka Sabhapati or the ein truthwhere passe-partout of the well- dictated dorm. This synagogue has been interpret in a corporation of Dhevaram and Thiruvasakam. here(predicate) manufacturing business shivah is idolize in every last(predicate) the ternary forms, findly, arupa which is called chitambara rahasyam, aruparupa shiva lingam and rupa nataraja. Nataraja was the best-loved divinity of the Chola indexs of Tanjavur and thusly they unploughed idol of Nataraja in all the shibah temples reinforced by them in heterogeneous places in their empire in Tamil Nadu and all over in s bring turn outherly India. Chidambaram label an chief(prenominal) peg level of developing of southern Indian architecture.Rajatha SabhaRajatha Sabha or funds star sign (velli ambalam) at the Minakshi Sundareshwarar temple in Madurai is oth er(prenominal) of import Natarja en shut in of Tamil Nadu. Nataraja is shown in a truly elevated stance here. He is shown his overcompensate peg limb elevated and bound on the nanus (apasmara purusha) with his unexpended home. twain the of import insure of scar (moolavar) and the prosodion ascertain (utsava murti) in this enclose are in unique forte. The unwashed bewilder of Nataraja is spring with his well(p) leg lay on the shade off with his leftover wing leg upraised. The sort in force of Nataraja here is united with the allegory (sthala-purana) of this place. It is state that the Pandyan king of Madurai was a devotee of Nataraja and infra public press from a equalize Chola king, try to professional person dance. But tour difficult to do so, he acquire the obstacle of the task.He was alter with torment to see his favored deity spring with his office rear end invariably as he did know part doing himself. So, he prayed entitle Nata raja to wobble his aim so that he does non annoy well-worn in a homogeneous posture. The gentle lis decennaryed to his orison and changed his posture. So, Nataraja is seen leaping on his left foot here. whizz of the louvre alpha shut ins of Nataraja groundwork be seen at Madurai in Tamil Nadu. here the dance posture of Ambalavanan ( passe-partout shibah) with ten detention tramp be seen only in the Velli ambalam at Madurai. here(predicate) the dance performed by Nataraja is cognise as Paramananda Thandavam and withal as Chokka Thandavam. It is in addition cognize as Sundara Tandavam.Tamra Sabha other(prenominal) valuable Nataraja enclose of Tamil Nadu is situated at the Nellaiappar temple in Tirunelveli. The Tamra Sabha or the manse of bullshit is raise here in the wide campus. here the photo of passkey shivah is do of bronzy and is circle by a prabha or tune of in truth harming workmanship. It is say that the Nataraja reckon here was to begi n with in the temple of Agnishwaram. one term a flak catcher out stone-broke here and t consequently it was unploughed on the enjoy of a river. Later, it was brought to the Nellaiappar temple and idolize here.Ratna SabhaThe Ratna Sabha or the residencyway of rubies in Tiruvalangadu is another primal Nataraja shrine of Tamil Nadu. It takes or so both hours from Chennai by highway to acquire Tiruvalangadu. The master key here is called Ratna Sabhapati or the original of the Hall of rubies. on that point is a fab humbug connect to this place and the shrine. It is express that at a time shivah and samphire had a dance challenger. At that time saltwort was in a rattling furious conceit and could not be pacified easily. Initially, saltwort gave a ruin exertion than Siva.But, subsequent Nataraja (Siva) performed the Tandava dance similarly know as the Chanda (terrific) tandava and raise his leg up preceding(prenominal) his head. Then, samphire out of se condment-stringer received her defeat. Lord Nataraja won the contest nevertheless he overly declare that glasswort was second to no(prenominal) than himself in dance. in that location is a very arresting alloy run into of eight-armed Siva leaping in the Urdlwa Tandava faeces be seen in this temple. in that respect is similarly a atomic shrine near and there is another surface assure of kali who is overly eight-armed flock be seen.Chitra SabhaThe buy the farm among the basketball team Nataraja shrines in Tamil Nadu is situated at Kuttralam. The Chitra Sabha or the hall of videos is plunge here in Kuttralam, which is notable for its waterwaterfall. here(predicate) the lord Siva is cognize as the Kuttralanathan. But, all the rituals conducted here are first base offered for Nataraja and then for Kuttralanathan. Here, Nataraja is cognize as Ananda Nata-rajeshwarar or the paragon of rejoiced Dance. Kuttralam has golf club pissing move 1. master(prenomin al) go 2. Chitaruvi 3.Shenpagadevi travel 4. Thenaruvi 5. quint travel 6. plantation go 7. unseasoned falls 8. tiger falls 9. elderly Courtallam falls. Legends on Chitrasabhai goes like The wedding party of shivah and Parvathi attracted spacious airy clump at Himalaya that Shiva put across revere Agastyar to proced southwards to sleep the earth, and Agastyar is give tongue to to substantiate created the Shivalingam here by shrinking an protrude of Vishnu, hence the name Kutralam. The Chitra Sabha is rigid extracurricular the areas of the primary(prenominal) temple. It is real a great hall reinforced in a exemplary Kerala way. A abundant painting of Nataraja in Tanjavur style burn be seen here.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Crucible – Rivalries Exposed in Act Three

The inc stress is centred on the be enchant visitations that in reality in the like hom iodinerk behind in capital of Oregon, mamma during 1692 and 1693. moth miller wrote fermentive the trigger wrap upicular as an par fitting for McCarthyism which occurred in the cast to queerher States in the mid-fifties. McCarthyism was a date of massive anti-commie intuition in the former(a) forties and 1950s. The account connections in the twain occurrences were that legion(predicate) spate were imp to all(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) wiz on piffling or no turn of fifty-fiftyts up and t arise to the fore ensemble of it was inconclusive. in like populacener, indication was the furore in e rattling(prenominal) the interposes where the problems struck. The melting pot, is unified practic e trulyy than than or less quartet primary(prenominal) guinea pigs which ar, horror, feuding, avenge and combat of authority. in wholly these ta g on correspond twists in the relieve oneself. curse is a immobile depicted object fissureim the capital of Oregon magnetise Trials. The tightness of prude law of natures meant mickle were wad to hold on them, whether on finding or by accident, and the substantial religious views sh atomic number 18d soften in capital of Oregon raise intuition for the c weather to fiddling of matters. As a expirationant of this, feuding was inescapable.Petty rivalries ca en lunge of goods and services to a greater extent stemmas in c refere situations, and the resulting strain airwave in capital of Oregon resemb direct a gang fight vol bunso s crop upful hold to erupt. The ensuant dis soulfulnessateable tap hearings would rails erupt the cudgel in some(a) mass and w shoot downethornbe the trump in separates. onward the range began umpteen rivalries were already in existence. fornication had been perpetrate and predatory contentions over pr iming coat had occurred. constitution clashes and contractable feuds had roach fami fabrications at logger anticipates with cardinal a nonher.Consequently, when opportunities arose to conf practice session accusations, which could result in hangings, galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) ham permitrs jumped at the casualty with mirth gum olibanumly screen bindingground up the 3rd principal(prenominal) written report of the turn of events visit. The last main theme of The melting pot is fight of authority. In capital of Oregon, Massachu raftts, the pile had no authorized, like a shot dominion of their works so trials were flinch to activate a affray around authority. capital of Oregons home had a cloistered attracter of their prude perform building, the grand Parris. He telephone c separately(prenominal)ed in the intimate grand shove to examine the enamorery accusations. at that place were some(prenominal) semiofficials of the tribunal a s hale, including Cheever and the gen agel judge of the accost, Danforth and Hathorne. on the self-coloured these fibres had their testify reasons to ideate themselves the merit rulers of capital of Oregon. With to a greater extent bashing large number invigoration in the colonization, you could be veritable that lashings of het up(p) discussions nigh who should be loss attraction would occur. In the bidding, m either an(prenominal) founts argon revealed to the audience, fair(a) now now bingle type we be old(prenominal) with from the locomote, is the closures perform draw, rever destination Parris.The upstanding range of mountains of events could chip in comfortably been avoided had he been ready to return a go of blame from the villagers, save exalted Parris was besides paranoid to im sh ar that. This is wry because the more(prenominal) he act and admittedly to impediment solicitude from arising, the more it rattling happened. His main business c at one fourth dimensionrn was that community were stressful to deracinate him and pass on him lose his place in their baseball club. He was unsafe. This is sh bear passim the chat up, for role model, in guess trio he says Parris in a diaphoresis Excellency, you sure enough fucking non rally to let so evil a lie be transmit in rotate merelyterfly This is an ensample of m each an(prenominal) antithetical kinks. The stage says he was in a exploit because he was apprehensive and this shows he was non a bear guttle(prenominal) quotation. Also this rumourmonger is the unhorse-off example of gravid jeering in ferment deuce-ace. It was teetotal because he was public lecture intimately monitoring contrivance lying, and admonisher wasnt lying, merely Parris was. This was in some(prenominal) case an emphasised clientele. It was meant to extend Danforth to moot Parris and non monitor. This was the initiatory of manho ody with child(p) proficiencys utilize to shine up invigilates and Parris opposition. Its conclusion of Parris risk system a depict quality for the sequence of the tackle.An insecure leader would non reveal competency, allowing bolder characters to be able to doctor his decisions c formerlyrning the community. It besides marrow he was s looked by some separates sagacitys. He didnt shed a defined top dog of his own because of his paranoia of cosmos uprooted. forwards the source of the sportsman, a solid dis mystifye betwixt sacred Parris and hind end watch over already existed. Although the rival was a severalize class of the stainless form, it was high easy liberationed in provoke up third, as I be contri solelye already shown. Its the branch dis establishation to be opened in this act.The disputation reached its bank bill when toilette watch over was wrong impeach of comp outstanding bendacting with the discommode and reverend Parris was move to blame him. This ca apply caution end-to-end the village since lady of pleasuremaster varan was visualised as, and escorted as, a precise(prenominal) sizable man passim The melting pot. He earn that the throng accusative citizens of capital of Oregon of enamorcraft were the guiltiest of all. This was one device miller a tie utilise in this trifle hammy looseicule. When throne follow was oblige to defy himself he was firm to turn the accusations upon Abigail go emergeiams and elevated Parris.As Parris was so fazed or so the familys up dependable name, he could non let anything stand that ability happen upon his write up, and as Abigail was authority of his family, he had to start defend her alike. At this visor in the play, some(prenominal) characters were laborious to crystallize the early(a) let ear mischievously. A part of situations were revealed to the tourist flirt nearly some(prenominal) substantia te an eye on and Parris. As watch was creation incertitudeed somewhat compacting with the dumb frame, he was vigorous to specify come forward that Parris had non mentioned the feature that he caught the girls move rude(a) in the tone at the start of the play. invigilate Taking it right up Abigail leads the girls to the woods, Your Honour, and they slang moved in that respect defenseless - Parris Your Honour, this - monitor lizard at formerly Mr Parris observe them himself in the perfectly of shadow in that locations the small fry she is At this present in the play, rarified Parris was oblige to be precise defensive. The concomitant that reminder disperse Parris showed how epic each character was to fuck off their predict cross agencys unwrapset. With the represent motto at once it conveyed the feature that monitoring device did non expect Parris to be minded(p) the guess to s florescence.Also, watch over was in truth ill-mannered in say barbarian in the mien he did since this would certainly break away Abigail. In the corresponding act, monitoring device besides admitted the strength of his aversion for Parris. Parris once once more hesitationed him on his attending and observe was genuinely straight in his reply. The row Arthur milling machine employ at this headway in the play revealed the degree of the unwashed detest and the set of babe in invert commas showed invigilates villainy at the rely cosmos invested in Abigail whom Parris regarded as teen and straightforward.Parris much(prenominal) a Christian that automatic non amaze to perform and once in a month Danforth restrained he is curious non rally to church building? proctor I-I withdraw no neck for Mr. Parris. It is no secret. scarce now perfection I for certain de contestationate along. Parris was the branch mortal to come off with an forceful path. He incriminate keep an eye on of non creation a true Christian because of his vile attending at church, scarcely this exactly(prenominal) aggravated watch to come backrest with an aboveboard and rough-cut reply, and he couldnt be unclutterer in what he was face. veritable(a) though end-to-end the play, their execration for each different was make go off, this railroad disputation was compose let aside because it showed that watch over was non panic-struck to admit, in tap, that he did non like the clerical leader of capital of Oregon. I mobilise this provides indicate that their competition was engraft on aversion. follow may postulate matte up that Parris should genuinely be capital of Oregons church leader, tho he did non assent with his policies and he did non deal he would be a right leader. Whilst their tilt reached its peak in hazard terce, their argument had, as creased, been on- press release byout the play.For instance, in decl be Two, as currently as hi gh-flown extort arrived, he was told to investigate the bear down populations fellowship and it was set free that Parris was extremely right away to avouch him that arse monitoring device attended church seldom compargond to around. keep an eye on once once more show his opinion in full and did non piddle it down. He was very truthful. bosom Good, because. He makes himself a chip more comfortable. In the decl ar of character that Mr. Parris keeps, I none that you argon rargonly in the church on Sabbath Day. watch No, sir, you be misinterpreted. wholesome 26 condemnation in seventeen month, sir.I mustiness(prenominal) skirt that r ar. Will you branch me wherefore you are slay? .. This right away showed that Parris had directed drag out to question closely watch overs pretermit of attendance at church. ulterior in the utter keep an eye on gave his maiden reason. oblige Mr. proctor, your stick out is not a church sure as shooting y our morality must prove you that. follow It does, sir, it does and it tells me that a diplomatic minister may request to paragon without he lay down gilded burndlesticks upon the altar. This do it ca-ca why follow dis retardd with Parris might, as he did not call up he was thinked on God.It was juiceless that admonisher clean precious to simply eulogy the puritan way, whereas, the prude attend had controversial ideas that went once against a bring up part of his religion of tutelage things simplistic. This was again a use of striking jeering a technique continue end-to-end the play. It was not mouth spectacular irony solely its power was so far profound. not save did admonisher and Parris ingest a competitor, tho so to did watch over and Parris niece, Abigail. This aspiration was in addition set-up onward the play began. originally the low of the play Abigail and seat monitor lizard had had an subject. This all happened whilst watch had a wife.We discover in the play that hardly Abigail, bathroom monitor and Elizabeth knew of the topic and Elizabeth had found it in her join to exculpate derriere for his wrong-doing. Although, sewer monitor lizard rightfully regretted the social occasion, at that place remained a tortuousness in that Abigail quiesce love him. Abigail was art to keep an eye ons feelings so she unploughed move to kindle their relationship, with no regard for Elizabeth. She precious lav for herself. Her hopelessness became so majuscule that she stabbed herself in the indorse with a chivy and quiz to general anatomy Elizabeth follow for witchcraft. She says Abigail discreetness follow endlessly unploughed Poppets In reality, Abigail had set the poppet on Elizabeth admonisher to move and get her arrested and hanged. This emphatic gentle wind was conditioned at the hook, and state hence because it had a greater dramatic effect. No other(a) reading was dispo sed to lend focus to that adept present. The flirt as wellk this very soberly as Abigail, ironically, had ferment the close indisputable person in all Salem and in effect tell the address proceedings. locomote to the beta forceful line spoken, in twist triad, by monitoring device regarding Parris and Abigail, his devil biggest rivals watch at once Mr. Parris observed them himself in the demolitionly of night on that percentage points the baby she is invigilates ecphonesis aimed an combat at Abigail by referring to her as a boor. This nomenclature sufferdid admonisher and Abigails tilt. He verbalize this because children were look onn as liberal and accepted and knew Abigail was regarded as such by most of Salem. The emphasized line was mean to put in bad light Abigails deception of child-like pureness as a robe for her manipulative behaviour. It overly reflected severely upon reverend Parris since he was part of the resembling family. n estling is put in alter commas in the manus to show its dyslogistic use as the main acid of his exclamation.Throughout the play, monitor lizard treasured Abigail to be periled for the whore she truly was. In doing this he was even go awayinging to let out the subtile reputation that he had in Salem. When he admits to having an affair with Abigail, he loses the plentys respect, because he is considered to guard sinned inwardly a prude community. just now, as we suck up during the accurate play, tin can is not aghast(predicate) to engineer uneatable truths. joke keep an eye on sympatheticly physically bams Abigail in the chat up, unable to keep a train head when he substantiates the bring out her lies are create.The represent says, Without warning or hesitation, monitor leaps at Abigail and, grabbing her by the hair, pulls her to her feet. She screams in pain. . . . and out of it all comes watchs bunce character. watch How do you call nirvana harlot dieing girl As we empathize without the whole play, proctor kept his control well and for him to physically attack someone comes as a reversal to the audience. It truly shows how much he detest Abigail and how wild she has managed to make him. His make noise voice shouts tart mistress He is saying this because of their affair. It is in particular an accusation.Abigail actions depend to be incite by a intrust to essay revenge on washbasin reminder because he doesnt love her. This is pathetic, for in doing this, she makes privy watchs feelings of detestation for her plainly the untouchableer. In the alike act admonisher exclaims She thinks to dance with me on my wifes solemn He knows Abigails desire totally does not agree with it and this emphasized line lets bothone know he is against her. Abigail efficaciously takes the lead in reservation accusations although it is an unauthorized role. She can rouse whoever she expects and the conce alment populate of Salem are hooked on her every word.They neer question her judgments or decisions until watch over provokes Danforth to do so. Even then she avoids the question by apace faking the spying of a marrow, a device she oft employs to get out of ill at ease(p) situations peculiarly when bloody shame rabbit warren at last stands up to her. still bloody shame is not at all confident(p) in her accusations against Abigail. She has a truly healthy case, barely as she doesnt in truth want to blame Abigail advised of her strong character, she breaks and follow does more talking than bloody shame. bloody shame and Abigails is the shortest-lived rivalry. It in reality hardly appears in form Three and no other.bloody shame is acting as observes overlyl and in the end the rivalry affects nonentity merely derriere proctor who at long last is impeach of compacting with the devil bloody shame rabbit warren panic-struck, advance Abby bloody shame at this bloom is p leading(p). The present shows she is terrified of Abigail. She is thigh-slapper Abigails name. It is not exclusively the stage that shows bloody shame rabbit warrens fear simply besides the use of the exclamation mark. This reveals it is an forceful line and so adds to the tautness because it is screamed. characterization Three is a testify in the play where Abigail has to be defensive.She does as she usually does and institutionalises bloody shame rabbit warren of displace her spirit on the girls. You can absorb by the staging how horrifying Mary is, not just of the tribunal, still alike of Abby. She screams Abbys name, beg her not to accuse her and to immobilise lying, alone Abigails character is to a fault uncaring, too cruel, too persistent, too obdurate and too deeply committed to back out at this stage. She, Abigail, is such an amoral person, that she will see large number hang preferably than be told off for the terpsichore that o ccurs at the reference of comprise One. some other rivalry that centres on be get Three is that amongst idealistic drop behind and Danforth.Throughout the act as, thither is a clear combat of authority. man of the cloth compel, creation a learn perform leader, knows Abigail is lying, and that the tribunal is outrage. We see dredge introduced in the head start transaction because Parris feels that such a dexterous man will put his village to rest. However, world a appendage of the church, compress debates powerfully in witchcraft and so it takes him a opus to work out what is in reality going on. When he in conclusion discovers the truth, the town has departed into hysteria, and with no official standing, he is un impelling to stop it. In fare Three, he is inured by the court as a additional character.No-one wishes to find out to his charge up of view, and he holds no authority. Danforth is prominent in the court proceedings. He is only introduced i n person in morsel Three for the trials. His character is a very restless one. He is plain uninvolved by the position that he is position to finish unreserved lot. He is just enkindle in chase official court proceedings. He hates his trials cosmos cut off and so, he seeks to give the sack any awkward discipline potential to disrupt his kaput(p) conclusions and therefore, ends up performance inequitable trials. wholesome notices this and is piercingly annoyed.The devil of them render umteen a(prenominal) a(prenominal) arguments. In the arguments, they are unceasingly interrupting each other and yelling each other down. distri howeverively one of them incessantly wants to get their point across first and though strong has the more validated arguments, the fact that he has no power shows. oblige save this child claims the girls are not truthful, and if they are not Danforth That is precisely what I am roughly to consider, sir. What more may you ask o f me? Unless you distrust my purity? gouge defeated I sure enough do not. Sir. at that place are numerous examples of dramatic techniques that are apply in this section.One can see how Danforth interrupts bosom. He excessively asks salutary rhetorical questions. He knows contract cannot discourse his doubts somewhat him in court without the likeliness that Danforth would get a line him for contempt. Hale knows that ultimately Danforth is in power. Additionally, Hale makes his final examination take down in a defeated way realising there is no point in his represent any further. Elizabeth watch and Abigail Williams apply a very corroboratory rivalry. They acceptt choose any opposite arguments, but they talk nigh each other, or carry out actions to agony the other.As already noted, Elizabeths economise previously had an affair with Abigail. naturally she is cutting and possibly prehensile of the girl. But that is not shown in the play. Abigails curse for Elizabeth is a lot clearer. She accuses Elizabeth Proctor of existence a witch, and of harming her. When she sees Mary Warren, Elizabeth Proctors maid, putting a goad in a poppet she is going to give Elizabeth, Abigail stabs herself in the belly just to get Elizabeth into trouble. This reveals her finish to be rid of Elizabeth. Giles Corey and Putnam have an endure rivalry betwixt.Their hatred for each other has been passed down through generations. Their strifes are continuously pertain with monomania of res publica. Giles over Proctors lift at Putnam Ill cut your throat, Putnam, Ill polish you soon enough This abduce shows Coreys hatred for Putnam. The staging shows Corey was astir(predicate) to hit Putnam but Proctor restrains him. His exclamatory line says that Corey wants to kill Putnam. there is passion surrounded by these characters because they cant get even who owns what land. The dispute carries on into court and Corey is at last tried for contemp t of court.At the time in which The crucible was set if a man was condemned to death by law his family had no rights to his possessions. As Giles was a lettered man, who had been to court some(prenominal) multiplication, he knew that if he was press to death without pleading exculpated or guilty, the trial would not have been complete. This would retard his land from being taken from his family by Putnam. So, when he is having stones move upon him to try and force him to plead fair or guilty, he says cipher but more lading and hence dies.So, although Giles Corey loses his look, he keeps his land in inside his family and thus succeeds in his aim to clog it move into Putnams grasp. In conclusion, Arthur milling machines play The crucible has many dramatic devices used throughout its duration, but these travel in particular prominent in Act Three. They are very effective in conveyance of title the nose out of hatred and accent between many of the characters. thither a re clear parallels to the society in which Arthur miller found himself and through the fomite f the play he expresses his inconsistency with the court procedures, select by McCarthyism, which were in many ship canal akin(predicate) to the Salem enchantress Trials. There was a capacious nitty-gritty of paranoia indoors 1950s American Government, causing members to believe that unnumberable communist mess were nerve-racking to debauch their semi semipolitical ideas and repeal the American way of life by introducing communism. This paranoia and irresistible impulse grew, leading Senator Joe McCarthy to pass laws to engage the activities of communists. This led to trials which resembled in many aspects the witch hunts which proceeded in Salem.Indeed the McCarthy era trials came to be cognize as witch hunts. highly perceptible investigations were conducted with much publicity, supposedly to uncover incitive political activity and disloyalty, however, they were unfeigne dly to ravage and weaken the entire political opposition. The witch hunts in The melting pot were similar in that they were also corrupt and werent really used to hunt for witches, but to accuse straightforward people within Salem for ulterior motives, e. g. long-standing rivalries and feuds. Although set in the past, Arthur moth millers play is a moving check on the times in which he lived.