Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What Had Watson And Crick Discovered Clues From The Diary
1. What had Watson and Crick discovered? Clues from the diary Watson and Crick discovered that cell’s nucleuses contained a molecule that was called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. The clues from the diary are: â€Å"Even us lab boys knew that there had been gossip going around the labs that Crick and Watson had been trying to solve the structure of this new-fangled molecule called DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid – but discovering the secret of life itself?†2. Explain why Crick mentioned that he had â€Å"discovered the secret of life†Crick believed he discovered the â€Å"secret of life†because of the unique and complex structure of DNA, and Crick believed and wrote in a letter to his son that it was the â€Å"basic copying mechanism†for life, which is implying that DNA carries genetic information 3. Explain why DNA is so important to organisms (what does DNA do inside of a cell? If scientists figure out the structure of DNA, why would this be important for the health of the organism?) DNA is important to organisms because DNA carries hereditary information on to the next generation of cells during the process of replication. This is important for the health of an organism because when a cell divides because it becomes too large; it needs a copy of the genetic information in order to fulfill necessary processes in order to keep the organism alive. 4. How has knowing the structure of the human genome changed the understanding of genetic disorders? Knowing the structure of DNA hasShow MoreRelatedWhat Had Watson And Crick Discovered? Clues From The Diary1756 Words  | 8 PagesMolecule 1. What had Watson and Crick discovered? Clues from the diary Watson and Crick discovered that cell’s nucleuses contained a molecule that was called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. The clues from the diary are: â€Å"Even us lab boys knew that there had been gossip going around the labs that Crick and Watson had been trying to solve the structure of this new-fangled molecule called DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid – but discovering the secret of life itself?†2. Explain why Crick mentioned that
Monday, December 23, 2019
Critical Analysis of The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson Essays
In the short story The Lottery, author Shirley Jackson creates a very shocking and horrifying situation through the use of characterization, setting, and the theme of the individual versus society, which is portrayed in the story as scapegoating. She writes as if the events taking place are common to any town (Mazzeno 2). The story was very unpopular when first published, mostly because of the fact that people did not understand it. The story of the all-to-familiar town, ordinary in every way except for the ritualistic murder taking place has since grown great popularity, even being adapted for television, ballet, and radio (Lethem 1-2). Shirley Jacksons short story entitled The Lottery was published in an issue of The New†¦show more content†¦She was fascinated with the paranormal and even voodoo and witchcraft. Jackson had a strange fascination of the psychology of human beings as well. She noticed the disturbed, disposed, misunderstood, or thwarting characteristics of people and of people to each other. Jackson was incredibly good at picking out the impurities of the human psyche and exploiting them to a great extent (Lethem 1). The village portrayed in The Lottery is said to be the same village where Jackson resided. She was a mother of four, married to Stanley Edgar Hyman. She was somewhat of a social outcast in her town. Eventually, her psyche was reshaped by the hostility and persecution of the villagers of the town (Lethem 4). Even before she moved to the town, Jackson had an obvious split in her personality. One side of her was a fearful, shy one which she brought to life in many of her stories. Th e other side of her was almost a direct contrast, being expulsive and bitter. This side of Jackson drank and smoked, rejected society, and this is the side of her that was fascinated by magic and voodoo. This is the side of her that is represented by Tessie Huchinson in The Lottery (Lethem 3). This story in particular best depicts Jacksons view on people. A reader can see that she views life as irony and notices the evils and darkness that lurks within every individual (Hilton 250). To put it most simply, Shirley Jackson wrote about the mundane evilsShow MoreRelatedThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson And A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner960 Words  | 4 PagesThe Use of Symbolism in â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner The use of symbolism is used in literature to enhance writing and add meaning to a story, this is evident in the two short stories â€Å"The Lottery†written by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner. With the authors use of symbolism Jackson and Faulkner are able to add depth to their writing in a way that connects with the readers. By adding symbolism to the short storiesRead MoreEssay on The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: an Analysis1522 Words  | 7 PagesKouyialis EN102: Composition II Professor Eklund The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: An Analysis The short story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson was written in 1948 and takes place in a small town, on the 27th of June. In this story, the lottery occurs every year, around the summer solstice. All families gather together to draw slips of paper from a black box. When reading this story, it is unclear the full premise of the lottery until near the end. The heads of households are the firstRead MoreThe Unexpected Surprise of Violence1009 Words  | 5 Pagesvalued once risks are taken, but the outcome is never expected. Shirley Jackson, reader of witchcraft books, horrifies people with her perspective on the understanding of merciless rituals that kept communities at ease. Shirley Jackson develops her theme of unexpected violence in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†through the use of irony, symbolism, and denouement. On a summer day in a small town in the short story, â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson takes advantage of the peaceful environment and adds a convolutedRead Moreâ€Å"the Lottery†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†Essay881 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery†and â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†Regardless of the type of society people live in controversial topics and cowardly individuals can create conflict. The stories â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway implement this concept. â€Å"The Lottery†is about a small town that holds an annual lottery in which the winner will be killed. â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†is the story of a couple’s discussion over the decision they must make of whether orRead MoreInstitutionalized Ritual in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson1625 Words  | 6 PagesShirley Jackson’s The Lottery, is a terrifying, tension filled masterpiece of an ancient human practice set present day America, 1948. Jackson’s dark, short story is about a rural farming village on the east coast, who, like other villages around them, conduct a yearly â€Å"lottery.†It begins in the town square in the month of June, where the schoolchildren are gathering stones while awaiting the arrival of their respective families. When the lottery is formally started, roll call is initiated followedRead More Essay on Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Message of Social Responsibility912 Words  | 4 PagesThe Message of Social Responsibility in The Lottery     Often, we paint a fairytale view of life for ourselves and our children. Sometimes, an author paints a frightfully realistic picture of life and forces us to reconsider the fairytale. In Shirley Jackson’s story, The Lottery, a town each year conducts a lottery in which the winner or looser, in this case, is stoned to death by his or her own neighbors. The tradition is supposed to uphold social structure within the town, but in orderRead MoreEnglish1285 Words  | 6 Pagesevery one of us because we are persuaded by such advertisements. Robert Scholes of â€Å"On Reading A Video Text†, and Shirley Jackson of â€Å"The Lottery†, show appropriate examples of the world we live in today. Robert Scholes proves how distorted and misconceiving people construe the world through the â€Å"Lottery†, proving his idea of cultural reinforcement. In â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, the small town of 300 people consists of a very active community, which is very routinely. The children go off toRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson1438 Words  | 6 PagesWriter Shirley Jackson was born in 1916 in San Francisco, California. Among her early works was The Lottery.Do not be fooled by this name.The Lottery was the highly controversial and famous tale about a village that partakes in an annual death ritual. On June 26, 1948, subscribers to The New Yorker received a new issue of the magazine in the mail. There was nothing to outwardly indicate that it would be any different, or any more special, than any other issue. But inside was a story that editorsRead MoreCritical Analysis for The Lottery1205 Words  | 5 PagesCritical Analysis for â€Å"The Lottery†Shirley Jacksons short story, The Lottery, aroused much controversy and criticism in 1948, following its debut publication, in the New Yorker. Jackson uses irony and comedy to suggest an underlying evil, hypocrisy, and weakness of human kind. The story takes place in a small village, where the people are close and tradition is paramount. A yearly event, called the lottery, is one in which one person in the town is randomly chosen, by a drawing, to be violentlyRead MoreAbstract the Lottery by Shirley Jackson2321 Words  | 10 PagesLateisha Davis Professor Coleman English 101 (2503) 25 July 2012 Abstract for â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson Although Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†is widely read, it has received little critical review in the decades since it was published. This analysis of the text illuminates Jackson’s intertwining of the story’s theme, point of view and language. One finds that each of these three an integral part depends on the other. One must examine Jackson’s
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Digital Fortress Chapter 47 Free Essays
â€Å"A billion-dollar code?†Midge snickered, accompanying Brinkerhoff back up the hallway. â€Å"That’s a good one.†â€Å"I swear it,†he said. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Fortress Chapter 47 or any similar topic only for you Order Now She eyed him askance. â€Å"This better not be some ploy to get me out of this dress.†â€Å"Midge, I would never-†he said self-righteously. â€Å"I know, Chad. Don’t remind me.†Thirty seconds later, Midge was sitting in Brinkerhoff’s chair and studying the Crypto report. â€Å"See?†he said, leaning over her and pointing to the figure in question. â€Å"This MCD? A billion dollars!†Midge chuckled. â€Å"It does appear to be a touch on the high side, doesn’t it?†â€Å"Yeah.†He groaned. â€Å"Just a touch.†â€Å"Looks like a divide-by-zero.†â€Å"A who?†â€Å"A divide-by-zero,†she said, scanning the rest of the data. â€Å"The MCD’s calculated as a fraction-total expense divided by number of decryptions.†â€Å"Of course.†Brinkerhoff nodded blankly and tried not to peer down the front of her dress. â€Å"When the denominator’s zero,†Midge explained, â€Å"the quotient goes to infinity. Computers hate infinity, so they type all nines.†She pointed to a different column. â€Å"See this?†â€Å"Yeah.†Brinkerhoff refocused on the paper. â€Å"It’s today’s raw production data. Take a look at the number of decryptions.†Brinkerhoff dutifully followed her finger down the column. NUMBER OF DECRYPTIONS = 0 Midge tapped on the figure. â€Å"It’s just as I suspected. Divide-by-zero.†Brinkerhoff arched his eyebrows. â€Å"So everything’s okay?†She shrugged. â€Å"Just means we haven’t broken any codes today. TRANSLTR must be taking a break.†â€Å"A break?†Brinkerhoff looked doubtful. He’d been with the director long enough to know that â€Å"breaks†were not part of his preferred modus operandi-particularly with respect to TRANSLTR. Fontaine had paid $2 billion for the code-breaking behemoth, and he wanted his money’s worth. Every second TRANSLTR sat idle was money down the toilet. â€Å"Ah†¦ Midge?†Brinkerhoff said. â€Å"TRANSLTR doesn’t take any breaks. It runs day and night. You know that.†She shrugged. â€Å"Maybe Strathmore didn’t feel like hanging out last night to prepare the weekend run. He probably knew Fontaine was away and ducked out early to go fishing.†â€Å"Come on, Midge.†Brinkerhoff gave her disgusted look. â€Å"Give the guy a break.†It was no secret Midge Milken didn’t like Trevor Strathmore. Strathmore had attempted a cunning maneuver rewriting Skipjack, but he’d been caught. Despite Strathmore’s bold intentions, the NSA had paid dearly. The EFF had gained strength, Fontaine had lost credibility with Congress, and worst of all, the agency had lost a lot of its anonymity. There were suddenly housewives in Minnesota complaining to America Online and Prodigy that the NSA might be reading their E-mail-like the NSA gave a damn about a secret recipe for candied yams. Strathmore’s blunder had cost the NSA, and Midge felt responsible-not that she could have anticipated the commander’s stunt, but the bottom line was that an unauthorized action had taken place behind Director Fontaine’s back, a back Midge was paid to cover. Fontaine’s hands-off attitude made him susceptible; and it made Midge nervous. But the director had learned long ago to stand back and let smart people do their jobs; that’s exactly how he handled Trevor Strathmore. â€Å"Midge, you know damn well Strathmore’s not slacking,†Brinkerhoff argued. â€Å"He runs TRANSLTR like a fiend.†Midge nodded. Deep down, she knew that accusing Strathmore of shirking was absurd. The commander was as dedicated as they came-dedicated to a fault. He bore the evils of the world as his own personal cross. The NSA’s Skipjack plan had been Strathmore’s brainchild-a bold attempt to change the world. Unfortunately, like so many divine quests, this crusade ended in crucifixion. â€Å"Okay,†she admitted, â€Å"so I’m being a little harsh.†â€Å"A little?†Brinkerhoff eyes narrowed. â€Å"Strathmore’s got a backlog of files a mile long. He’s not about to let TRANSLTR sit idle for a whole weekend.†â€Å"Okay, okay.†Midge sighed. â€Å"My mistake.†She furrowed her brow and puzzled why TRANSLTR hadn’t broken any codes all day. â€Å"Let me double-check something,†she said, and began flipping through the report. She located what she was looking for and scanned the figures. After a moment she nodded. â€Å"You’re right, Chad. TRANSLTR’s been running full force. Raw consumables are even a little on the high side; we’re at over half a million kilowatt-hours since midnight last night.†â€Å"So where does that leave us?†Midge was puzzled. â€Å"I’m not sure. It’s odd.†â€Å"You want to rerun the data?†She gave him a disapproving stare. There were two things one never questioned about Midge Milken. One of them was her data. Brinkerhoff waited while Midge studied the figures. â€Å"Huh.†She finally grunted. â€Å"Yesterday’s stats look fine: 237 codes broken. MCD, $874. Average time per code, a little over six minutes. Raw consumables, average. Last code entering TRANSLTR-†She stopped. â€Å"What is it?†â€Å"That’s funny,†she said. â€Å"Last file on yesterday’s queue log ran at 11:37 p.m.†â€Å"So?†â€Å"So, TRANSLTR breaks codes every six minutes or so. The last file of the day usually runs closer to midnight. It sure doesn’t look like-†Midge suddenly stopped short and gasped. Brinkerhoff jumped. â€Å"What!†Midge was staring at the readout in disbelief. â€Å"This file? The one that entered TRANSLTR last night?†â€Å"Yeah?†â€Å"It hasn’t broken yet. It’s queue time was 23:37:08-but it lists no decrypt time.†Midge fumbled with the sheets. â€Å"Yesterday or today!†Brinkerhoff shrugged. â€Å"Maybe those guys are running a tough diagnostic.†Midge shook her head. â€Å"Eighteen hours tough?†She paused. â€Å"Not likely. Besides, the queue data says it’s an outside file. We should call Strathmore.†â€Å"At home?†Brinkerhoff swallowed. â€Å"On a Saturday night?†â€Å"No,†Midge said. â€Å"If I know Strathmore, he’s on top of this. I’ll bet good money he’s here. Just a hunch.†Midge’s hunches were the other thing one never questioned. â€Å"Come on,†she said, standing up. â€Å"Let’s see if I’m right.†Brinkerhoff followed Midge to her office, where she sat down and began to work Big Brother’s keypads like a virtuoso pipe organist. Brinkerhoff gazed up at the array of closed-caption video monitors on her wall, their screens all freeze frames of the NSA seal. â€Å"You’re gonna snoop Crypto?†he asked nervously. â€Å"Nope,†Midge replied. â€Å"Wish I could, but Crypto’s a sealed deal. It’s got no video. No sound. No nothing. Strathmore’s orders. All I’ve got is approach stats and basic TRANSLTR stuff. We’re lucky we’ve even got that. Strathmore wanted total isolation, but Fontaine insisted on the basics.†Brinkerhoff looked puzzled. â€Å"Crypto hasn’t got video?†â€Å"Why?†she asked, without turning from her monitor. â€Å"You and Carmen looking for a little more privacy?†Brinkerhoff grumbled something inaudible. Midge typed some more keys. â€Å"I’m pulling Strathmore’s elevator log.†She studied her monitor a moment and then rapped her knuckle on the desk. â€Å"He’s here,†she said matter-of-factly. â€Å"He’s in Crypto right now. Look at this. Talk about long hours-he went in yesterday morning bright and early, and his elevator hasn’t budged since. I’m showing no magno-card use for him on the main door. So he’s definitely in there.†Brinkerhoff breathed a slight sigh of relief. â€Å"So, if Strathmore’s in there, everything’s okay, right?†Midge thought a moment. â€Å"Maybe,†she finally decided. â€Å"Maybe?†â€Å"We should call him and double-check.†Brinkerhoff groaned. â€Å"Midge, he’s the deputy director. I’m sure he has everything under control. Let’s not second-guess-â€Å" â€Å"Oh, come on, Chad-don’t be such a child. We’re just doing our job. We’ve got a snag in the stats, and we’re following up. Besides,†she added, â€Å"I’d like to remind Strathmore that Big Brother’s watching. Make him think twice before planning any more of his hare-brained stunts to save the world.†Midge picked up the phone and began dialing. Brinkerhoff looked uneasy. â€Å"You really think you should bother him?†â€Å"I’m not bothering him,†Midge said, tossing him the receiver. â€Å"You are.†How to cite Digital Fortress Chapter 47, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Relationship Marketing Decision Process
Question: Discuss about the Relationship Marketing Decision Process. Answer: Introduction: Berry in the year 1983 first established the overarching concept of relationship marketing. Relationship marketing is the systematic process of making a long-term satisfactory relationship with the customers, suppliers as well as distributors. The success of a business organization is highly dependent on the customer satisfaction rate. An effective relationship develops between organizations, customers only when both the two parties are equally benefited. On one hand, the organization has to maintain a systematic customer relation for fulfilling the needs and demands of customers. On the other hand, customer satisfaction rate helps the organization to enhance the revenue growth of organization. As a result, both the organization and the customers get equal benefits and facilities by maintaining relationship marketing. With the dynamic growth of civilization, the needs and demands of the customers are changing gradually. People have become accustomed with the advancement of technology . Therefore, business experts while dealing with the customers have to be familiar with the development of technological process. This particular study has provided an in-depth understanding on the customer relation process and strategies of Apple. Apple Inc is predominantly known as one of the largest companies in advanced gadget and technologies. The organization has already spread their entire business process in International market by delivering excellent quality of products and services. Started their journey in the year 1976 under the direction of Steve Jobs, this particular organization has expanded their business in global market (apple.com 2017). In order to expand the business in international market, the organization has to maintain effective customer relation strategy to draw the attention of Global consumers. This particular study has focused to highlight various positive and negative aspects of relationship strength between Apple and it customers. Based on the positive and negative aspects of customers relationship process of Apple, an effective evaluation as well recommendation has been provided . Description on the relationship strength between the chosen company and its customers: In order to provide an effective service to the customers the business experts of Apple has maintained some of the major strategies and policies for showing customer loyalty. The necessary policies that Apple has followed while maintaining customer relation include: Maintaining variety of products: Apple has achieved the doorstep of customers by launching varieties of products and services for their customers. In order to fulfill the needs and demands of customers Apple has rendered iPod, iMac, iPod nano, iphone, iTunes, iOS Apple Stores. As a result, people get innumerable product variety while purchasing electronic gadget. On the other hand, the service providers of Apple are comfortable with verbal and non-verbal communication both. Therefore, the customers do not have to face difficulties in communicating with the service providers (Armstrong et al., 2014). Flexible work environment enables the customers to get an in-depth overview about the reliability of products and services. A store for Apple to resolve customer issues: Apple has opened a new store for resolving the customer issues regarding refurbishment. In many cases, it has been observed that customers tend to make complaints after using the products of Apple due to technological errors. The business experts have launched a separate store for refurbishment where the customers can resolve their issues (Armstrong et al., 2012). The service providers of refurbishment department are flexible enough to handle the customers complaint. The business experts have appointed sufficient workforce in this particular section to handle the needs and demands of customers. Media coverage: Before launching a new product in the market, the marketing experts of Apple tend to make a huge media coverage in order to promote the product in different geographical boundaries. As a result, before purchasing the products and services, the customers can get a detailed overview about the reliability of products and services. Therefore, media coverage helps to gain the trust of customers on particular product or services (Buhler Nufer, 2012). Therefore, Apple business experts before launching a product on market, tend to use the popularity of media vehicle for drawing the attention of customers. In addition, with the help of online promotion the service providers can communicate with the customers directly through public forum. As a result, the business experts can be aware of current needs and demands of customers. Maintaining effective communication with the customers: Maintaining effective communication with the business experts is one of the most effective strategies of Apple with the help of which they have drew attention of large number of customers (Chen, Chen, 2014). Service providers of Apple try their best to respond every individual customer to resolve their query. As a result, people show their interest for purchasing products and services of Apple. On the other hand, good communication with the customers helps the service providers to deliver the services quickly. Maintaining gender equity: The customer service department of Apple while providing customer services maintains gender equity. Both the male and female customers are treated with equal respect and dignity. In order to draw the attention of customers Apple business experts have maintained a balance of gender equity in the customer service department as well. As a result, customers show their interest for purchasing products and services from Apple. Christopher, Payne and Ballantyne (2013) stated that the business experts of Apple have maintained an effective gender equity balance within their workplace as well to set an example in the mind of customers. Maintaining diversity: The products that Apple product managers intend to design are beyond any cultural and religious biasness. People from different cultures and religions would love to use the products of Apple due to its diversified products (Goddard et al., 2012). At the same time, the service providers of Apple are comfortable of dealing with the people of different cultures and backgrounds. With the help of both verbal and non-verbal communication, the customers are treated with major priority at the customer service department. Therefore, this particular business organization has drawn the attention of International customers belonging to the various places of multinational countries. Evaluation on the relationship strength between the chosen company and its customers: Customer satisfaction strategy of Apple vs. Lenovo: After the entrance of Apple MacBook Air, Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga has become a major threat for Apple in the market. ThinkPad Yoga is affordable for low cost customers as well. Therefore, the business experts of Lenovo have decided to follow low cost strategy in order to draw the attention of large number of customers from average level of income. The device price of Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga is $1,189. As a result, low cost customers can easily afford the price of this device. In order to maintain a balance between customers supply and demands, the organizations have faced immense difficulties due to the workforce strength. As a result, the customers show their intense dissatisfaction for using the services of Lenovo. On the other hand, the customer satisfaction scenario of Apple is completely different (Halinen, 2012).The price of MacBook Air is high in range. As a result, it becomes difficult to afford for low customers. Therefore, from the very beginning Apple has started following brand value strategy for satisfying the needs and demands of premium consumers. The employees of customer service department do not have to face challenges for maintain balance between demands and supply. The difference of Apple TacBook Air from another brand has been included as follows: Customer relation marketing performance of Apple vs. Lenovo Johanson and Mattsson (2015) stated that after implementing low cost strategy, the business experts of Lenovo has covered a large number of geographical areas as their target customers. People from multinational countries have showed their interest for purchasing the products of Lenovo and using their customer services. On the other hand, the marketing performance strategy of Apply is different. Providing quality products to the customers is one of the most effective business strategies of Apple. As a result, the customers from selected target group have laid their attention of Apple. Therefore, in comparison to other brands such as Lenovo, Dell, Asus, the market share of Apple is low in range. The comparative analysis in the market share of Apple, Lenovo, HP, Dell and Asus has been presented below. The marketing executives of Apple should maintain the customer relation more effectively while promoting the brand in order to make them understand about the reliability of products and services of Apple. Use of customer satisfaction theory followed by Apple: In order to evaluate the process of customer satisfaction rate, different eminent scholars have established numerous theories. Among several theoretical approaches, theory of Assimilation is mostly used at the workplace of Apple. Festingers in the year 1957 has established this particular theory. As per the concept of this particular theory, customers like to make an effective comparison between expectation and perceived product performance Zhou, L., (Wu Barnes, 2012). Customer expectation about a particular product may not match with the product performance. Therefore, before launching a product in the market and making the product design, the business experts have to make an effective market survey (Papasolomou Melanthiou, 2012). With the help of an effective market survey, the sales executives would get to know the current needs and demands of the customers. Business managers while implementing plans and policies regarding the products and services, tend to collect the customers response and expectation in order to match the rate of product performance. Evaluation of this theory for business progress: Apple business experts have followed the theory of Assimilation due to fulfill the customers expectation. Payne and Frow (2013) opined that Assimilation theory is appropriate for Apple to satisfy the needs of customers due to several reasons (Turnbull Valla, 2013). This particular concept believes that organization in order to make a perceived product successful in the market, the organization has to get an in-depth overview about the expectation level of customers. Market surveys, online surveys are the several process, with the help of which the organization can collect the customers feedback. Therefore, the products would be able to fulfill the satisfaction level of customers. In this kind of situation, Assimilation theory would be effective for satisfying customers demands. On the other hand, Rust and Huang (2014) differed the point of view of previous scholars. This particular author has stated that Assimilation theory is not competent enough to fulfill the rate of customer sat isfaction. With the help of this particular theory, people from different geographical boundaries cannot expose their opinion regarding their needs and demands (Segoro, 2013). The theory very limited number of people for providing effective feedbacks on product expectation and services. Recommendation to strengthen relationship by the company with customers: After evaluating the Apples customer relationship strategy, it can be analyzed that Apple is running their business successfully in the international market. At the same time, it is also undeniable that some of the major competitors of Apple such as Asus, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Toshiba has enhanced their range of market share in terms of PC segmentation. Therefore, based on evaluation, some of the major recommendation can be provided: Increasing the range of target customers: Due to the implementation of brand value strategy, the price range of Apples products is beyond affordable for the low cost customers. Therefore, the premium customers are the primary target group of this particular organization. The range of target market of Apple is thus limited within the people of high-income level. In order to increase rate of target customers, the marketing managers can focus on product promotion more effectively for making the customers understand about the brand value of Apple. At the same time, the service providers while making direct marketing and sales promotion can maintain an effective promotion with the customers with the help of which people from different cultural backgrounds can be comfortable to interact with the service providers. As a result, customers would never hesitate to resolve their necessary queries. The interpersonal relation between the customers and the service providers would be effective. Implementing innovative management on refurbishment department: Shimp and Andrews (2012) stated that the refurbishment department of Apple should be re-structured. Apple has opened a refurbishment stores for resolving customers complaint. As a result, the business experts can easily keep up customer relation. Now a day it has been observed that customers have to wait for a long time for resolving any necessary issues. Therefore, the business experts have decided to implement innovative management at Apple refurbishment stores with the help of which the service providers can be more accustomed with the changing process of technology. Automatically, the service process would be systematic and it would be delivered at proper time. Focusing on workforce management more effectively: As per the current needs and demands of customers, the business experts should focus on recruiting more employees in the customer service division to deliver the service process systematically (Wilson, 2013). It has been observed that customers have to wait for a long time for resolving any complaints related to products in the refurbishment department. Therefore, the business experts should focus in increasing their workforce strength so that customers do not have to wait for a long time (Smith, 2014). At the same time, it is undeniable that sufficient number of workforce can help for making the entire service process more systematic. Receiving professional and development training on customer service management: Apple has recruited the people from different cultures and backgrounds within the organization. The primary purpose of this business organization is to focus on skill and competency of the employees rather than their religious backgrounds. However, the department of customer service is also possessed with employees of various cultural backgrounds. As a result, employees have to face linguistic barriers, psychological barriers and cultural barriers at the workplace (Turnbull Valla, 2013). These kinds of organizational barriers affect on customer services highly. In order to overcome several barriers at the workplace, the organization can arrange an effective professional training and development program in order to evaluate the mental skill and competencies of the employees. However, an effective professional training would help the employees to manage customers needs and demands more tactfully. The entire study has focused to evaluate the importance of maintain customer relation for rendering the success of business organization. The entire revenue growth of business organization is highly dependent on the customers satisfaction rate. In this particular study, a detailed description, evaluation and recommendation have been provided on how Apple intends to maintain their customer relation. While discussing the importance of customer relation, the value of Assimilation theory has also been discussed in this particular study. The opinion of several eminent scholars regarding the Evaluation process of the relationship strength between Apple and its customers has been provided. At the same time, based on opinion of eminent scholars, some of the major recommendations are given for improving the customer relation strategy of Apple. 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