Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Role of Men in Society Has Transformed Immensely
The role of men in society has transformed immensely. According to Dr. Phil, if men want to be successful in their marriage and family life, they have to change and broaden their definition of what it means to be successful as a man. Being a good provider, protector, leader and teacher is a privilege that comes with responsibilities that many men aren't aware of. A Provider Most men believe that being a good provider means supporting a family financially. It means much more than that. A man should also contribute to the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of his family. In order to do this, he must recognize that there are other currencies, in addition to money, that need to be provided. A Protector This means more than beating up the guy next door if he insults your wife. It means protecting her self-esteem and self-worth as well as your children's. It can also mean protecting your way of life and guarding against any threats to the things that you and your family value. A Leader Instead of waiting for your wife to take the initiative when you are having problems, take the lead. Get in the game and create what you want in your family instead of whining about your family situation. Marriage is not a 50/50 partnership. It's a 100/100 partnership. That means you give 100 percent. And remember, you get what you give. A Teacher What are you teaching those around you  especially your children  with your behavior? It's important to provide a good example for your children, loved ones and community with both words and deeds. Set high standards and teach by doing. The traditional roles of men and women were established to ensure the power of the head of household. Historically speaking, that head of household was always male. But the rapidly developing world has brought about many changes into the traditional roles of both men and women. We have been socialized to expect men to be brave, industrious and domineering, whereas women have been expected to be submissive, timid and nurturing. Nowadays, however, women do not have to rely on their husbands anymore to provide a financial support for the home and in many cases they become breadwinners and head of the home themselves. Thus, these changes have resulted in male losing his image and ego as the dominant gender in society. First of all, it is not possible to talk about the changing role of men without mentioning the transformation that the female role has come through. The contemporary social situation was caused in large degree by women anticipation and making them more â€Å"equal†to men. Females are not forced to stay at home nursing children and making diners, they are free to go to work and pursue a successful career. And even if a woman chances to bear a child, now she is encouraged to return to work as early as possible and in fact reproved if she does not. Therefore, in many cases men are expected to take over the duties of a housewife. Before long, it is men who do the everyday laundry, it is men who prepare children for school and pick them up afterwards, it is men who cook dinners and sew a button onto a worn out shirt. Especially if the woman’s career happens to be more successful and profitable. Hence, the purpose of men as the ‘alpha male', provider and protector within the family unit and the community as a whole, has become obscured and belittled. The vision between roles of men and women became blurred, leaving modern men in state of bewilderment. It is also key to look at the way in which the role of man as strong and masculine has become cliche. On the one hand, the stereotype of a strong, hunky, masculine man straight from the Marlboro advertisements falls into decline. Brutal, strong and ruthless men were long ago vigorously condemned. However, the new type of a man – gentle, sensitive, caring, grooming himself, not being afraid of giving vent to his feelings, a man who, when in need, will put on his shoulders the burden of taking care of house and children – still evokes mixed feelings due to making the impression of being too feminine. There are however opinions that men simply live up to the women’s expectations. The survey carried out last year asked men what it means to be a man in the 21st century, and â€Å"more than half think that society tries to feminize them, turning them into waxed and coiffed metrosexuals, and 52 per cent say that men have to live according to women's rules. †In the 90s the perception of a man was changing more than ever. The androgynous look was desired, and models who displayed womanly characteristics had more jobs than those looking like Brad Pitt. On account of that more and more males were following the trend of metrosexualism. Recently, it has been taken into extremes, where wearing a pink jumper is not perceived gay anymore, but rather as a manifestation of masculinity. Only men who do not show an exaggerated concern for their manliness and feel self-confident are not afraid to see themselves in pink. But it is not only the fashion trend that pushes men to pay more attention to their appearance, getting their nails polished by professional beauticians, or to step into shoes of â€Å"the lady of the house. It is in fact the lack of proper male models to copy. Let’s face it. Schools, places on which the life of every adolescent focuses, are overcrowded with female teachers. Thus, unlike their female peers, and during their formative developmental period, the young males have little opportunity to experience positive male role models. In consequence, when seeking some ideal to conform to boys tend to choose the person that guides them throughout most of their lives, and who unsurprisingly often happens to be the mother. Accordingly, men are desperately needed in all aspects of society to provide the male perspective. The blurred vision between the roles of men and women as well as more tolerant and modern society allowed women to take up jobs which were in the past years reserved only for men, and reversely. Men also go for jobs earmarked for women, such as dancers, hairdressers, even beauticians, and very often happen to be very successful. This does not mean that they are gay or effeminate. This is just another aspect of the evolution of society and meeting the needs of professional tolerance. All in all, the male role has not changed drastically in contemporary society. Looking from the angle of functionality, it is men in who we rest our hopes for holding power and solving everyday life issues. For this reason the majority of population still considers men the only breadwinners even though the reality evolved to the extent that is not necessarily true. Men's behavior has changed, their lifestyles as well, and their roles might also have gone some major transformations. But none of that matters, after all, sensitive, vulnerable women will always need beside them a shoulder to cry on.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Discourse: Ellen Lupton’s Deconstructivist Theory Essay
Key concepts from Ellen Lupton’s A Post-Mortem on Deconstruction? * Deconstruction is part of a broader field of criticism known as â€Å"post-structuralism,†whose theorist have included Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard, among others. Each of these writers has looked at modes of representation – from alphabetic writing to photojournalism – as culturally powerful technologies that transform and construct â€Å"reality†. The phrase â€Å"deconstruction†quickly became a cliche in design journalism, where it usually has described a style featuring fragmented shapes, extreme angles, and aggressively asymmetrical arrangements. This collection of formal devices was easily transferred from architecture to graphic design, where it named existing tendencies and catalyzed new ones. The labels â€Å"deconstructivism,†â€Å"deconstructionism,†and just plain â€Å"decon†have served to blanket the differences between a broad range of design practices and an equally broad range of theoretical ideas. Rather than viewing it as a style, you can view deconstructivism as a process – an act of questioning. In Derrida’s original theory, deconstruction asks a question: how does representation inhabit reality? How does the external appearance of a thing get inside its internal essence? How does the surface get under the skin? For example, the Western tradition has tended to value the internal mind as the sacred source of soul and intellect, while denouncing the body as an earthly, mechanical shell. Countering this view is the understanding that the conditions of bodily experience temper the way we think and act. A parallel question for graphic design is this: how does visual from get inside the â€Å"content†of writing? How has typography refused to be a passive, transparent vessel for written texts, developing as a system with its own structures and devices? * The Western philosophical tradition has denigrated writing as an inferior, dead copy of the living, spoken word, when we speak, we draw on our inner consciousness, but when we write, our words are inert and abstract. The written word loses its connection to our inner selves. Language is set adrift. * It has recently become unfashionable to compare language and design. In the fields of architecture and products, the paradigm of language is losing its luster as a theoretical model – we no longer think of buildings, tea pots, for fax machines as â€Å"communication†cultural messages, in the manner of post-Modern classicism or product semantics. For the design fields, â€Å"deconstruction†has been reduced to the name of a historical period rather than an ongoing way of approaching design. Derrida made a similar point in 1994, saying that deconstruction will never be over, because it describes a way of thinking about language that has always existed. For graphic design, deconstruction isn’t dead, either, because it’s not a style or movement, but a way of asking questions through our work. Critical form-making will always be part of design practice, whatever theoret ical tools one might use to identify it. Apollinaire’s Il Pleut is a perfect example of the juxtaposition of language and design – of typography and content. Like the other structural games calligrammes are often referred to, Il Pleut uses typography as an active picture rather than a passive frame, demonstrating only the beginning of the possibilities available for manipulating type to reflect language. Often graphic design can reveal cultural myths by using familiar symbols and styles in new ways, and Apollinaire does exactly that in this futurist, poetic, and exciting way. Marinetti, another Futurist-classified poet, was a master in deconstruction  letting the words themselves build imagery both literally and figuratively; the letterforms and sentences themselves becoming the building blocks of his compositions. This 1913 work by Marinetti, Words of Liberty, is a perfect example of the theory of metalanguage, proposed by Roland Barthes. In his work, Elements of Semiology, he advanced the concept of the metalanguage  a systematized way of talking about concepts like meaning and grammar beyond the constraints of a traditional (first-order) language; in a metalanguage, symbols replace words and phrases. Insofar as one metalanguage is required for one explanation of first-order language, another may be required, so metalanguages may actually replace first-order languages. Barthes exposes how this structuralist system is regressive; orders of language rely upon a metalanguage by which it is explained, and therefore deconstruction itself is in danger of becoming a metalanguage, thus exposing all languages and discourse to scrutiny. A work of design can be called â€Å"deconstruction†when it exposes and transforms the established rules of writing, interrupting the sacred â€Å"inside†of content with the profane â€Å"outside†of form. Weingart is the perfect example of this, using not only letterforms themselves but also nonobjective elements within his composition to distort the typographic content. Yet, the link between language and typography is so close that typography is, essentially, the frontier between languages and objects; languages and images. Typography turns language into a visible, tangible artifact, and in the process transforms it irrevocably. While researching the link between the â€Å"inside†and â€Å"outside†form of content, George Orwell seemed to hold very similar views in his The Politics of English Language, speaking not of the link between typography and language but instead the written and spoken versions of English itself. Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble; and what trouble does this necessarily include? Protecting one’s writing from staleness of imagery, and of course lack of precision. Both are marked by vague writing or perhaps, in some cases, sheer incompetence of modern English prose, as well as the use of dying metaphors. He concludes for us that verbal false limbs and pretentious diction are the downfall for our mangled language, and we, the ambitious struggling writers of the world, can unite against its seemingly inevitable destruction. But let us look closer at Orwell’s reasoning for a moment; that if thought corrupts language than surely language can also corrupt thought. Although written nearly 60 years before our time, he shares this ideal with a modern behemoth of writing – Stephen King. King has already imparted a great secret to us about the nature of writing – that ideas come from nowhere, and that vocabulary is one of the first steps toward a novel which actually functions as it should. One should not begin writing from the abstract, trying to dictate with impressive words or alliterative sentences; one should have an idea in mind and then set about trying to convey that idea to an audience. Vague writing only begets vague understanding, which is not the vehicle in which your novel should be riding. I personally feel that this is a powerful parallel to language and typography  that the designer should have in mind what exactly they are trying to communicate before beginning their design, instead of taking text copy and moving it around, trying to design without a firm message at hand. This eventually will end in a vague, incomprehensible and garbled communication, one which has no place in today’s world; unless of course you happen to be a self-proclaimed Dada-ist.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Aurora Leigh
The story of Aurora Lee Aurora Lee is the story of a fictitious poet. This story is the greatest achievement of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This is the first major poem in English literature, heroine is a female writer like a writer. This story is related to the aurora as an emerging poet of society, except for women who are artists. Because of the role of society, society imposes restrictions on women. Society basically defines women as imprisoned. In Aurora Leigh, Elizabeth Barrett Browning presents a refreshing role against Victorian norms. Furthermore, she created Aurora Lee's aunt as a character to show off the real feminist nature of Aurora. The idea of ​​a Victorian lady, Aurora Leigh's aunt, is all that she is not. Browning used a cold image to outline her aunt's appearance: Her forehead is slightly thin and knitted tight ... brown hair stabbed with gray / cold used in life. Draw on the ground (1181). Aurora Leigh's aunt looks like a living woman and a person's life. Lee stated, She lived in the past, I would say this is a harmless life, she calls it a benign life ... this is not life at all (1181). Aurora regarded her aunt's good life as restrictive and suffocating existence. Not only did my aunt often live an organized life, men asserted the traditional sex role (or rule) established by men in the male world. When Barrett Browning first came up with Aurora Leigh, she announced that she entered our conference and was hurried to the living room. Angels are afraid of trampling intention; - face-to-face communication, no mask, please wait for the human nature of the times (Knox 36). Fusing AuroraLeigh's novel with poetry, she thought of this. During this time Victorian people thought about this. Novels are suitable for female writers Poetry is limited to men Type classification is a perfect example of deep-seated gender restriction of the time, and in order to despise social prejudice by writing in two types, It is Barrett Browning that use s mature opportunities.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Asian art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Asian art - Essay Example Another difference is in the materials used. Simply by taking a detailed look at the Vairocana Buddha, one can begin to notice several significant elements of this piece that distinguish it as a unique piece of art even though it portrays a familiar and often reproduced (in smaller scale) image. Unlike many of the other Buddha statues that are made of a single block of stone, this statue is constructed in such a way that its natural life process has only contributed to its ability to communicate. It is made of hollowed out cedar wood coated, lacquered and then painted with gold leaf or paint. With the lacquer layer working to reflect any light that penetrates through the gold layer, this statue would have gleamed in any kind of illumination, presenting its viewers with a dazzling display of unearthly beauty and light that would chase itself and play along the different curves, angles and lines of the various sections of the piece. It’s approximately life-sized, which gives it an awesome power in its presentation, but also a familiarity and approachability that a larger statue might not have. It invites you to take a closer look and to get to know it on a personal level. The effect of the wearing surfaces, with gold remaining on some areas of the statue but exposed wood appearing in other areas, serves to heighten the experience for me. Although it wasn’t necessarily a part of the original intent, this aging effect immediately conveys the idea of ancient wisdom and abiding endurance.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How does Raising Arizona (movie) use symbolism to help explore its Essay
How does Raising Arizona (movie) use symbolism to help explore its theme - Essay Example The film derives much of its language from the disparity between the level of speech expected from the characters and the level of language that is actually spoken. This disparity is there not just for comic effect, but also to contribute fully to the movie’s theme about American self-improvement through upward mobility. H.I. and Ed’s pursuit of a child is symptom of the pursuit of the larger aspect of the American Dream and another aspect is the desire to rise from one strata to the next. The film satirizes the effect of lofty language utilized by those living within a higher class by revealing the truth that that the more sophisticated speech becomes, the more likely it is to become confusing. H.I.’s entire narration is populated by haughtily descriptive phrasing to describe simple concepts: â€Å"Edwinas insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase.†One doubts that the average petty criminal with little education would describe the i nability of a woman to get pregnant in such a way, but it works both for comedic effect and to further the theme of language can barring communication. In addition to H.I.’s narration, the dialogue also works to reveal how terminology works as a symbolic obstruction to simple communication. One of the most hilarious yet satirically incisive scenes in the film reveals the manner in which professional jargon almost seems to be intentionally utilized to create a firewall of misunderstanding. When H.I. appears before parole board language becomes a direct symbol of the way in which law is exploited to support social distinction between the haves and have-nots. The entire conversation about recidivism leads to the actually quite profound joke about the misunderstanding about H.I. â€Å"not just telling us what we want to hear.†The language game taking place in this scene is painfully
Monday, August 26, 2019
Building Successful Brand of Toyota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Building Successful Brand of Toyota - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Toyota recognizes the difference between product marketing alone and actual investment in the creation of a company brand. Indeed, Toyota seems to understand and appreciate the value of forming a corporate framework that facilitates the consumer’s preference for its products. As noted, the company faces fierce competition from other brands for the global market, which has meant that Toyota needed to reposition itself using contemporary means to stay ahead of the competition, at which they succeeded. Toyota Motors is responsible for total quality management or TQM, receiving numerous awards for quality management, such as the Japan Quality Control Award and the Deming Application Prize. The TQM strategy at Toyota is based on the Kaizen or customer first concept that stands for continuous improvement, as well as total participation that refers to input and involvement of all its workers. The Creative Idea Suggestion System, for example, seeks to encou rage and support employees in contributing effectively to quality development at the company. The Toyota’s production System has also resulted in quality improvement for work and products. In addition, the Toyota Way, established in 2001, is composed of continuous improvement, also referred to as Kaizen, which strives eliminate overproduction and waste, as well as to allow employees to suggest appropriate changes. Other techniques under Kaizen include eliminating employee fears to report issues, eliminating mistakes through a root cause analysis, eliminating transport and mistakes, creating a satisfying relationship with customers, and using mathematical and intellectual rationalization to create long-term solutions. Integrated marketing communications have been defined as a planning process that is designed to make sure that the customer receives brand contacts for a service, product, or organization that relevant and consistent over time to that customer.
Slavery in america contritubuted greatly to the economin growth which Research Paper
Slavery in america contritubuted greatly to the economin growth which america prosper - Research Paper Example According to Garvin Wright, slavery was seen in the economic sense as a system of production6. Hence many people never saw anything wrong with using other human beings for cheap, or in most cases, free labor. Slavery became the sole production system that was most economically efficient especially in the South. The practice was able to produce enormous amounts of wealth for many people. Just before the start of the Civil War, the South, which was more slave-dependent than the North, had a much higher per capita level than Italy or Spain, two of the countries that were considered economic super powers then. The South’s use of slaves to enhance prosperity was greatly reinforced by political and social structures which supported the use of free or cheap slave labor2. Below is an analysis of different areas of the American economy where slavery was used as a major boost to productivity and profitability. The United States had huge tracts of highly productive lands in the South, but there was one problem: lack of labor. Therefore, with the coming of slavery in the continent, plantation owners could produce whatever they wanted using the labor provided by the slaves. One of the crops that greatly improved the economy of the US during the slave era was cotton. Many white Americans owned huge tracts of land where they grew cotton, especially in the South. Due to lack of mechanization, the farmers depended on human labor on their farms. With slave trade, the farmers did not have to worry about paid wages for their workers; they made them work for free. Although the Africans themselves did not gain anything from all their efforts, the rest of America did enjoy the fruit of this unappreciated labor7. Cotton was a major export and it used to earn the country a lot of money. The slaves made it possible for the farmers to produce large amounts of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Under what circumstances is genocide most likely to occur Can Essay
Under what circumstances is genocide most likely to occur Can recognition of these circumstances help us prevent genocidal acts - Essay Example Likewise, the perpetrator’s definition of the group is necessary for establishing a specific intent. It also distinguishes genocide from other heinous crimes or justified acts such as a pre-emptive strike.3 This definition of genocide is significant because it informs of the broader characteristics of genocide and guides theoretical approaches to recognizing the instances in which genocide is most likely to occur and therefore provides a means by which genocide can be predicted and prevented. This paper provides a critical analysis of these theories and argues that history instructs however, that genocide is largely incapable of qualification and as such it is unpredictable and most likely unpreventable. If history is any indication, genocide typically occurs during war. However, it does not occur during all wars. Therefore differentiating what kind of war or what wars are consistent with the propensity to commit genocide is futile. A. Historical Overview of Genocide Mamdaniâ €™s brief history of genocide distinguishes genocide from the systematic killing of an enemy. In 1994 Rwanda, the military and its supporters orchestrated the mass murder by Rwandan Hutu majority of Rwandan Tutsi minority. Non-conforming Hutus were also killed. The difference is, Hutus were killed as enemies, whereas the Tutsi were killed simply because they were Tutsi.4 Mamdani also suggests that â€Å"the genocidal impulse may be as old as organized power†and while â€Å"the impulse to destroy an enemy is ancient, the technology of genocide is constantly evolving†.5 Looked at in this way, it is difficult to predict genocide. If genocide is an impulse in much the same way as the impulse to kill one’s enemies, genocide like any act of violence is difficult to predict and just as difficult to prevent. History bears this out. Genocide is not specific to any particular location, politics, economy, race, ethnicity or gender. While there are specific themes such as ethnicity there are other themes that are far more subtle such as the influence of outsiders. Moreover, genocide has occurred on virtually every continent. The best explanation is that genocide is a result of â€Å"the conjunction of influences and actions widely present in the world.†6 Nsereko informs that, â€Å"the history of human race abounds with episodes of genocide.†7 Historically, genocide has been for the most part conducted during the course of a war. Evidence of this trend goes back to the Bible. In more recent times, the Nazis committed the holocaust executions during the Second World War. Other genocidal acts in the last century occurred in Turkey, Vietnam, Pakistan, Nigeria, Rwanda, Burundi, Iraq, Bosnia Herzegovina and Zaire.8 History also informs that genocide was not prevented by international customary law. Crowe informs that not only is genocide â€Å"as old as history†, but so are norms, standards and laws regulating standards of conduct during conflict.9 In 1943, the Allied Powers adopted a charter establishing the war tribunal for trying the Nazis for their war crimes. Some of the charges included genocide.10 On December 11 1946 the UN’s General Assembly adopted Resolution 96(I) in which genocide was characterized as a crime pursuant to international law. The Resolution also instructed the Economic and Social Council to draft a genocide convention.11 Two years later the UN’
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Political Science 419 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Political Science 419 - Essay Example This theory was later explicitly formulated in Marx’s Critique of Political Economy in 1859. He emphasized the major periods he perceived in history to begin with primitive communism, then slavery, feudalism and capitalism. He thought that eventually, these various stages in history would end in the stage of socialism (Marx). Karl Marx argued that socialism would provide economic equality, eradicate poverty and provide a utopian society where people could live in social solidarity. How to lay the foundation and eventually operate the structure of socialism that would abolish the so-called latest mode of production which is capitalism is something that Karl Marx wasn’t able to explain in details. Many disgruntled elements of a capitalist society have been attracted to Marx’s philosophy. They view the Marxian doctrine as the best way out of the cruel exploitations and dog-eat-dog jungle associated with the free enterprise economic system. Marx promises an It is in this regard that capitalism will survive even with the temperament of the economic environment. It is not too difficult to identify the dangerous features of Marxian philosophy. Marx downgrades a human being by regarding him as a mere material being. The root of Marxian philosophy is materialism. According to him, only matter matters. Nothing else exists but matter. Man is completely conditioned by the material facts of life. Thus, there is nothing sacred about human life. Every man is merely a pawn that can and should be sacrificed if the good of the communist party should so dictate. Marx’s vision of pure communism is the height of utopia and completely disregards the basic traits of human nature. It is indeed quite difficult to visualize ourselves as unselfish saints who will willingly work for the common good without being motivated by economic rewards. Man is not just a material being. He is both body and soul, flesh and spirit, mind and matter. An economic system is not something that
Friday, August 23, 2019
Tesco Supermarket Supply Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Tesco Supermarket Supply Chain - Essay Example This paper stresses that the resilience of the global supply chains and their ability to overcome obstacles continually deliver their core values in the face of disruptions is currently one of the most important concerns in supply chain management. Although the increasingly globalized and interconnected world market has resulted in highly sophisticated supply chains vital for the competitiveness of multinational companies, it has also contributed to development of a highly complex, volatile, uncertain, interlinked and global nature of the supply chains has in increased their vulnerability in many fronts. A recent study conducted by Aon Risk solutions revealed that the percentage of global companies.This essay highlights that many global businesses are currently competing internationally by working with their global suppliers, outsourcing as well as marketing their products world wide. Consequently, with the increasing competiveness of today’s global markets, there is an urg ent need for the optimization of the supply chains through effective management of transportation, product plans, inventory and information flow to enhance customer experience and ultimately improve their competitive advantages. However, achieving resiliency in the supply chains particularly in the retail industry is a highly complex process that involves integrating key business processes and networks amongst different companies such as producers, suppliers, manufacturers and retailers in an international context.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Crash Essay Example for Free
Crash Essay Description: The film Crash illustrates through various characters many themes that are sociologically relevant and have been intensely covered in course lectures and readings. With the extensive minority groups presented throughout the film; elements of prejudice, discrimination, deviance, patterns of accommodation, as well as strain theory are evident. The film offers an array of conflict in four characters especially that will be discussed here. â€Å"Anthony†and â€Å"Peter Waters†two African-American men, â€Å"Farhad†a Persian shop owner, and â€Å"Officer John Ryan†a white prejudiced policeman all display interesting characteristics of the theories mentioned above. Analysis: Anthony and Peter both commit criminal acts and fit well into the innovation as part of deviance model. They do not believe that they can conform and do not see other opportunities in the largely white areas in which they steal cars, admitting that they want to steal from whites, as they perceive whites to have privilege and hostility toward them. Peter is shot while Anthony attempts to redeem himself by helping another minority group, who he sees to be exploited due to their minority status. Officer Ryan is a prejudiced policeman, who feels the trickle down effect of strain theory. Due to the loss of his father’s job due to affirmative action policies and the subsequent issues with him receiving improper healthcare, this officer turns his frustration to blacks as a whole due to the strain of his father’s condition. Finally, Farhad exhibits the patterns of accommodation, as he attempts to assimilate to the United States, he distrusts others in the different minority groups and feels the shame of being called a terrorist. He retaliates by attempting to kill a Mexican-American, as his level of conflict with other groups is extremely high. Self-reflection: This film is very effective in showing how theories can be applied to actual events that occur in the lives of minorities and those with white privilege. The complex interactions between the different groups highlight much of what conflict theory proposes and elements of structural functionalism, as well. I would highly recommend this movie to any sociology student or others, who have an interest in how groups in society function and deal with one another on a daily basis.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Great Smart Phone War; Apple vs. Samsung Essay Example for Free
The Great Smart Phone War; Apple vs. Samsung Essay Apple Inc. is an international software company that globally produces and supplies digitally enabled gadgets. History of the company. The company was started by the late Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April 1, 1976. Jobs and Wozniak schooled together in high school and had been friends. They both dropped out of school and got employed by different companies. Steve Jobs got to work with Atari while Wozniak worked with Hewlett-Packard. Wozniak made the first Apple I design in 1976 but it did not capture the hearts of many. In 1977, they presented the new Apple II phone at a local computer trade show and it captured the attention of many. This led to an increase in demand of the product which led to a huge need of immediate workforce. They hired a lot of employees and during the launch of their Apple III, Apple Company became a real company. Like any company, Apple Inc has had its good and bad days alike. They lost the co-founder Steve Jobs in October 5, 2011 to respiratory arrest and Steve Wozniak retired. Currently, Tim Cook is the company’s CEO. Products and services. Apple Company has successfully launched and sold many products and services worldwide. They create personal computers, mobile phones, portable digital music players and media devices. They also provide the OS X and iOS operating systems and consumer and professional software. They also offer application software, headphones, printers and storage devices. Their most popular products and services include iPhone, iPod, Macintosh (MAC) computers, iPad, Apple TV, iCloud, iTunes Stores, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store. Competition facing the company’s products. IPhone is currently one of the most trending and most sort after mobile phone in the gadget market. Samsung, Sony, and Nokia are some of the multinational corporations that compete gadget-wise with Apple. Apple Inc launched iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus last year. They were released on September 2014. These two iPhone versions have tremendously upgraded from the previous version iPhone 5s. Unfortunately, Apple is not the only the only company with an upgrade in its mobile devices. Samsung came up with its new version, Samsung Note IV which is equally popular and trendy as Apple’s new versions. Nokia continually launches its Nokia Lumia phones the latest being Nokia Lumia 1020. Sony also has quite impressive and outstanding mobile phones. One of their greatest achievements is the launching of its water-proof mobile phones. Sony Xperia Z was one of the firstly launched water-proof phones that captured the hearts of many. All these m obile devices by different corporations battle out in a perfect competitive market with Apple Inc. In order to keep up, Apple should aim at advancing and embracing innovative ideas and continually launch high-end products. Personal computers (PCs) are some of the designs and products that Apple manufacturers. Competition is tense because companies like Dell Inc, Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), Lenovo Group Limited, and Acer Inc. These companies produce personal computers and laptops too. Some of the companies have established a firm reputation in the manufacture of the computers. Companies like Dell and HP are world widely sort after by multiple organizations due to their consultancy services. This makes the competition quite intense for Apple. Apple has come up with Macintosh (MAC) computers and they are quite marketable but regionally and continentally. This is not the same case with Dell and HP products which are sort after globally. IPods are Apple’s digitally enabled pocket-size music players. They made music less burdensome and more enjoyable. One could be able to enjoy music without the burdensome struggle of carrying around a phone or a music player. Apple had been the main and single company that had successfully launched and marketed the digital music player devices. Samsung did not want to disappoint, so they launched their own, Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 and Samsung Galaxy Player WiFi 5.0. Sony was not left behind; they also launched their own Sony Walkman Z. It was prosperous in the market but not as equally successful as the iPod touch. Apple happens to be a producer of operating services. They offer OS X and iOS operating systems. Their Macintosh computers use the MAC OS X version while their mobile phones use the IOS mobile operating system. Their operating system gets extremely wild competition from Windows and Android operating systems. Windows OS is managed by Microsoft and is used by different gadgets. Many computers have installed the Windows OS. Nokia recently partnered with Microsoft in launching their new phones with enabled Windows OS. Android OS is managed by Google Inc. under the maintenance of Open Handset Alliance. It’s the most common OS used by majority of the mobile devices and companies such as Sony and Samsung. Majority of these operating systems have an upper hand advantage, they offer the developers freedom to come up with more versions of the OS. This is what makes the Android OS more popular than Apple’s OS X and iOS systems. Apple TV was first launched in 2006 and the current one was introduced on March 20012. Many people confuse the Apple TV with actual television but that is not the case. The Apple TV is a compact set that uses application software to wirelessly stream contents from a nearby PC to a high definition (HD) TV. It faces competition from Amazon Fire TV, Roku Streaming Stick, Virgin Media TiVo, Now TV and Freetime. Amazon Fire TV is widely common because it directly streams any media content into your TV. This is way easier because it does not have the pressure of MAC OS X systems. Competitors in the market. Every company experiences competition, in one way or the other. The competition can be from within or from outside. Majority of the competition that most corporations face is from other rival organizations. Apple Inc. like any normal corporation has its own competition in the existing market. Some of the top competitors that compete with Apple Inc. include, Sony Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Dell Inc, Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), Microsoft Corporations and others. Corporations in competition Sony Corporation (Sony) is a producer of electronic products. The company’s headquarter is in Tokyo, Japan. It designs and sells audio and video products, personal computers, cameras, mobile phones, televisions, batteries, game software, music software and animation works. Sony is considered as competition by Apple Inc due to their unique designs in personal computers and mobile phones. Sony has been successful in launching mobile gadgets that can operate in water which gave many mobile manufacturing companies including Apple Inc. a run for their money. This phone design marked a new margin of innovation and these assisted the Sony Corporation in setting pace for the other organizations. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Samsung) is a sole manufacturer of televisions, mobile phones, personal computers, LCD panels, and storage and fiber optic devices. Samsung’s headquarters are located in Seoul, Republic of Korea. It offers stiff competition to Apple and other gadget manufacturing companies. They intend to fully respond to the ever growing demand of high-end products. They plan to achieve this by launching successful smart-phone with the purpose of making fiction reality. Some of their recently launched products, such as Samsung Note IV and Samsung Galaxy S IV come highly recommended in the market, competing with Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The Samsung and Apple Company have been at loggerheads and in constant competition to see whose products and services would yield the most utility. Dell Inc is also one of the leading and top manufacturers of desktop personal computers, software and peripherals. Its main headquarter is in Round Rock, the US. They mainly produce and sell laptops, mobile phones, desktops, printers, and storage devices. They are competitive due to their extensive manufacturing and supplying of laptops and desktops. Majority of their products are globally used by many organizations. Apple and Dell computers both offer excellent services, but majority of the people view Apple’s products as generally expensive. Evaluation of consumer prices and general market prices agree with the hypothesis. Apple products and services are generally more expensive than others, including Dell. Dell is quite popular in a lot of organizations due to its easy to access and easy to use applications. Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), like Dell also produces and manufacturer personal computers, and application software. HP is headquartered at Palo Alto, California, the US. Their main products include laptops, desktops, printers and mobile phones. They compete with Apple Inc mainly in the marketing and selling of personal computers and laptops. Their mobile phone brands and tablets have not swept the market by storm. With their plan to extensively launch new products such as their HP ElitePad 1000 and HP ProPad 600, they might rocket to be the highest technology companies. Currently HP stands at a higher edge in production and trade-offs in personal computers and laptops than the Apple Inc. Case study on the apple INC Apple Inc. has greatly succeeded in shaping the today’s technology. Apple provides services to legal companies, healthcare facilities, government institution and media platforms. These different institutions yield satisfaction from products and services that are offered by Apple Inc. Most of these facilities are equipped with Apple personal computers, printers, and tablets. Tablets are quite useful in the current setting. In the not so distant past, people used to carry around laptops in order to access notes or presentations. This quite both cumbersome to a lot of people. But with introduction of Apple Tablets, iPads, work was lessened and less burdensome. Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, recently convinced corporations that Apple Inc. is currently moving forward in enhancing a more secure platform for organizations through data-encryption technology. The main aim of this strategy is to convince more businesses to partner in making Apple Inc. their sole software producer. If an organization considers itself as the pinnacle success or exclusivity, it has to portray such an image. For example, if it’s a five-star hotel, for people to rate it as such, it should have elite and prestigious facilities and services. Apple Inc. happens to produce exclusive products such as their fine MAC computers and Apple TV. The Apple TV could be installed in different rooms so that the guests could watch the streamed videos and music. The MAC computers would be used by staff such as at the reception. If the hotel management decides to invest in these products, they may achieve the reputation they desire. These actions would set them apart from the rest of the resorts hence giving them a competitive advantage. In the current global-awareness and internet ruled age, majority of the organizations seek to get customers by luring them with the promise of special gifts and prizes to be won. Some are true while some do not hold up to their end of the bargain. In different websites, companies advertise their products and place an ad in the page claiming that if someone takes certain quizzes or subscribes to a certain subscriptions, they would stand a chance of winning a prize. More often than not these coveted prizes include tablets, mobile phones or laptops. When the iPhone 6 emerged, many ads placed a free offer of an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus in order to attract people. This is considered as a competitive advantage to the companies. Hence, the products of the technology company are once more useful in enabling businesses to pitch their ideas. References BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Apple. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2015, from Apple: Eichenwald, K. (2014, June). The Great Smart Phone War; Apple vs. Samsung. Retrieved March 05, 2015, from Vanity Fair. iPhones. (2013, January). Retrieved March 05, 2015, from Apple: iPod. (2011). Retrieved March 05, 2015, from Apple: MAC. (2012). Retrieved from Apple: Mackie, K. (2011). Analysts:Microsoft Facing Disruptive Competition From Apple and Google. Competion. Source document
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Biochemical Processes of Oil Degradation
Biochemical Processes of Oil Degradation 1. INTRODUCTION Surfactants are surface active compound that reduce the interfacial tension between two liquids, or that between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants are organic compound that contain both hydrophobic (head part of the surfactant) and hydrophilic (tail part of the surfactant) moieties. Thus surfactant contains both water insoluble i.e. water repellent group as well as water soluble i.e. water loving group. Biosurfactants are also surface active compound like chemical surfactants but unlike the chemical surfactant, biosurfactant are synthesized by microbes like bacteria, fungi and yeast. Biosurfactants comprise the properties of dropping surface tension, stabilizing emulsions, promoting foaming and are usually non-toxic and biodegradable. Recently interest in biosurfactant has increased because of its diversity, flexibility in operation, and more eco-friendly then chemical surfactant (BS Saharan et al., 2011; Eduardo J. gudiËÅ"na et al., 2011). Biochemical processes of oil degradation carried out by microbes involves several type of enzymatic reactions driven by oxygenase, dehydrogenase and hydroxylase (Hamamura N et al., 2008). These enzymes cause aliphatic and aromatic hydroxidation, oxidative deamination, hydrolysis and other biochemical transformation of original oil substance leading to formation of large number of intermediate degradation products. However, a major limitation of microbial degradation of crude oil is its hyydrophobicity. Biosurfactant produced by oil degrading bacteria facilitate the uptake of crude oil hydrocarbons by bacterial cells and also have low toxicity and high biodegradability (Batista SB et al., 2006). So, crude oil degrading bacteria with the ability to produce biosurfactant is widely recommended for fast degradation of crude oil. (Kumar M et al., 2006). Furthermore possibility of their production on large scale, selectivity, performance under intense conditions and their future applications in environmental fortification also these have been increasingly attracting the attention of the scientific and industrial community. These molecules have a potential to be used in a variety of industries like cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, humectants, food preservative and detergents (BS Saharan et al., 2011). But the production of biosurfactant on industry level is still challenge because of using high costly synthetic media for microbial growth. Biosurfactants are classified on the basis of diversity in their structure and their microbial origin. They contain a hydrophilic group, that contain an acid, peptide cations, or anions, mono-, di- or polysaccharides and a hydrophobic group of unsaturated or saturated hydrocarbon chains or fatty acids. Biosurfactants produced by a variety of microorganisms mainly bacteria, fungi and yeasts are diverse in chemical composition and their nature and the amount depend on the type of microbes producing a particular biosurfactant. 1.1 Classification of Biosurfactant: Biosurfactants are classified in to two major group one is low molecular weight surface active agent call biosurfactant and high molecular weight substance called bio-emulsifier that is especially used as enhancement of emulsification of hydrocarbon. Further these two major group is divided in to six major group known as glycolipids, lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins-lipopeptides, phospholipids, hydroxylated and cross linked fatty acids. (a) Glycolipids: Mostly biosurfactants are glycolipds. They are lipids with a carbohydrate attached. The connection is by means of either an ether or ester group. Among the glycolipids, the best known are rhamnolipids sophorolipids and trehalolipids. Fig 1: Glycolipid (b) Rhamnolipids: Rhamnolipids is a group of biosurfactant that studied extensively. These are produced by many species of Pseudomonas and have tremendous antimicrobial activity against several common microorganisms, which is an essential property of all cosmetics due to the daily contamination of the product by the human touch (Lourith N et al., 2009). Rhamnolipids is a type of glycolipid biosurfactant that contain either a one or two molecule of ÃŽ ²-hydroxydecanoic acid. In 1999 the structure of rhamnolipid produced by P. aeruginosa on mannitol and nepthalene by liquid chromotography was compared. And it was found that for mannitol the most common rhamnolipid contained two rhamnoes and two 3-hydroxydecaonic acid and whereas rhamnolipid produced by nepthalene contained two rhamnoes and one 3-hydroxydecaonic acid. Fig 2: Structure of mono and di rhamnolipid (c) Trehalolipids: It is another type of glycolipids that containing trehalose hydrophobic moieties. Such type of biosurfactant structure is diverse in hydrophobic moieties, varying from short fatty acid to long fatty acid chain. In general it is observed that the bacteria showing Gram’s positive produces Trehalolipids biosurfactant (Anderson RJ et al, 1983). Fig 3: Structure of Trehalose lipid (d) Sophorolipids: Such glycolipids are synthesized by yeast; these are the complex mixture of both free acid and lactone form. The acidic SL contain fatty acid as tail where as SL lactonic are formed by the esterification between carboxylic end of the fatty acid and 4†of the sophorose end. Generally lactonic SL has better surface tension lowering property whereas the acidic SL have better potential to form foam and solubility properties (Nuneza A. et al., 2003). Fig 4: Structure of Sophorolipid lactonized and acid Form. 1.2 Lipopeptides and lipoproteins: Lipopeptide biosurfactants are cyclic compounds and they are mostly isolated from Bacillus and Pseudomonas type bacteria Lipopeptides mainly consist of hydrophilic peptides, generally they consist 7 and 10 amino acids long, linked to a hydrophobic fatty acid structure. Bacillus cyclic lipopeptides consist of three major groups known as the surfactin, iturin and fengycin families. Surfactin is the most commonly studied and it contains 7 amino acid cyclic sequences connected to a C13–C16 fatty acid (Kakinuma A. et al.,1969). Fig 5: Structure of aminolipopetide Fig 6: Structure of cyclic aminolipopetide 1.3 Polymeric Biosurfactants: Polymeric biosurfactant are high weight molecular biopolymers which consist polysaccharides, proteins, lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins or mixture of theses biopolymers. A wide variety of microbes produces polymer biosurfactant. Polymer biosurfactant exhibits properties like high viscosity, tensile strength, and resistance to shear. The following are example of different type of polymeric biosurfactant. 1.4 Advantages and Uses of Biosurfactant: The unique properties of biosurfactant (Microbial Surface Active Agents) such as low toxicity, relative ease of preparation and widespread applicability, make it different from chemical synthetic surfactant and now it has become recently an important product of biotechnology for industrial and medical applications and they allow to replacement of chemical synthetic surfactant. They can be used as emulsifiers, de-emulsifiers, wetting agents, spreading agents, foaming agents, functional food ingredients and detergents in various industrial sectors such as, Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Organic Chemicals, Foods and Beverages, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals, Mining and Metallurgy, Agrochemicals and Fertilizers, Environmental Control and Management, and many others. Table 1. Classification of biosurfactants and their use in remediation of heavy metal and hydrocarbon contaminated sites. (Magdalena Pacwa-PÅ‚ociniczak et al., 2011) Stabilization of the hydrocarbon-in-water emulsions Dispersion of limestone in water Stabilization of hydrocarbon-in-water emulsions Alasan Acinetobacter radioresistens KA-53 Biodispersan Acinetobacter calcoaceticus A2 Liposan Candida lipolytica Mannoprotein Saccharomyces cerevisiae There are many advantages of biosurfactant as compare to chemically synthesized surfactants. Some of those are: Biodegradability: Easy to biodegradable as compare to the chemical surfactant (Kosari N, 1992). Low toxicity Biocompatibility and digestibility, that allows their application in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food seasonings. Easily availability of raw material: The raw material need for production of biosurfactant are easily available, biosurfactant producing microorganism can be isolated from the industrial waste like oil contaminated soil, petrol pump spilled, and also can be isolated from municipal waste. Use in environmental control: Biosurfactants can be efficiently used in handling industrial emulsions, control of oil spills, biodegradation and lowering the toxicity of industrial discharges and in bioremediation of polluted soil. Specificity in their action, since biosurfactant has specific organic functional group and often specific in their action. This is particularly used in lowering the toxicity of the pollutant, used in enhancing the emulsification property, used as raw material in cosmetic, medicinal and foodstuff applications. 1.5 Crude oil spills The crude oil spills are one of the main environmental pollutants. Their abundance and persistence in several polluted environmental areas have been reported (Mohammed M. A., 2004). Oil spillage may be caused by natural disasters like earthquakes in the sea surface or due to accidental leaks during exploration, refining, storage and transportation. The causes can be numerous but the consequences are the same. In case of crude oil, the different types such as heavy or light crude oil can affect the clean-up procedures. Crude oil spreads very rapidly on the sea surface and after a short period of time the thickness of the oil film can be at least 1mm. It is therefore necessary to prevent the spreading to reach the shoreline. Once it reaches the shoreline, it contaminates the soil and cause a great damage to the soil ecosystem as well. Some of the largest oil spills that have taken place all over the world are at Iran, Iraq, Persian Gulf, Uzbekistan, Kuwait, United States, Gulf of Mexico, Pakistan and even in India. The most recent oil spill in India is the spill of ONGC Trunk oil pipeline burst, at Uran, Mumbai on 21st January 2011. Around 40 to 45 metric tons of oil was spilled in Mumbai coast that spread around 4 sq km area. Many such disasters reported one seeping oil from a sinking ship. In August 2010, oil spill at Gopalpur beach Orissa in April 2010 causing the death of many Ridley turtles that breed there during that period. It hence becomes a necessity to clean up this oil in order to save the marine life. Clean-up and recovery of hydrocarbons from an oil spill is difficult and the strategies for cleaning up an oil spill are greatly affected by a variety of factors such as the type of oil spilled, the temperature of the water body, and the types of shorelines and beaches involved. A number of approaches an d technologies have been developed for spreading of oil spills in marine shorelines and freshwater environments. Many mechanical and chemical methods can be applied to clean-up the spills (Zhu et al., 2001). Fig 7: Crude oil spill 1.6 Methods applied in cleaning of oil spills 1.6.1 Physical methods Booms. Skimmers. Manual removal (Wiping). Mechanical removal. Washing. Sediment relocation or Surface washing. Tilling. In-situ burning 1.6.2 Chemical methods Dispersants. Demulsifies. Solidifiers. Surface film chemicals. Although various conventional cleaning methods such as physical methods like the first response selection, rarely achieve complete cleanup of oil spills. According to the Office of Technology Assessment (U.S. Congress, 1991), current mechanical methods typically recover no more than 10-15 percent of the oil after a major spill. Chemical methods are faster in action but they are toxic to the biota present in the spill environment. Bio-surfactants can be used for cleaning of crude oil spillage. 1.7 Hydrocarbons of Crude oil: Oils are further categorized into three broad groups, according to their molecular weight. General statements can be made for each of the three categories namely light weight, medium weight, and heavy weight components (Scholz et al., 1999). Crude oils are composed of various combinations of these three categories with the following general characteristics. 1.7.1 Light Weight Components: These are components which have carbon atoms ranging from C1 to C10 which are smaller molecules with few numbers of atoms. They are characterized by high volatility, readily dissolvable and evaporate and leave little or no residue because of their short residence time. Many of these components (e.g., benzene, and toluene) are thought to be more bioavailable to animals by primary exposure route (respiratory system). Being highly flammable and readily inhaled, and therefore are of concern for human health and safety. 1.7.2 Medium Weight Components: These are components which have carbon atoms ranging from C11 to C22 which have complex molecules. It has low rate of evaporation and dissolves very slowly that take several days with some residue remaining. Not as bioavailable as lower weight components, it is less likely to affect aquatic animals. Its primary exposure route is respiratory system and gets readily absorbed through skin. 1.7.3 Heavy Weight Components: These are components which have carbon atoms more than C23. It has the longest residence time with very little loss due to evaporation or dissolution. It can cause chronic effect through smothering as residue in the water column and sediments (tarballs, etc). Its primary exposure route is direct topical contact. Some heavy weight components contain carcinogens that are absorbed through the skin. Its risk of exposure is increased due to long residence time, probability of contact, and adsorption property of the oil components. Table 2: List of oil spill incidents since 2010 1.8 Oil Spills and Their Effects: Recently on 21st January 2011, ONGC trunk oil pipeline burst at Uran, Mumbai. About 40 to 45 metric tons of oil was spilled and spread around 4 sq km area. On 7th August, 2010 a foreign cargo ship, collided with another vessel about 10 km off Mumbai harbor, that spilled the oil in spite of the hectic effect made by Navy and Coast Guard to contain the leak, around 700 tons of fuel oil and 28 tons of diesel oil was spilled. Thousands of eggs of the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles on the beach adjoining river Rushikulya in Ganjam district have failed to hatch this year because of the recent 924 tons of furnace oil spill at a nearby port. Rushikulya Sea turtle protection committee have found that the hatching of the eggs, which ended last week, have gone down by 40 to 50 percent this year as the eggs, numbering thousands, got spoiled after the leaked oil soaked the nesting site on the beach. A number of incidents have been reported happening every year. Some of the oil spill incidents ar e listed in the Table 2. Oil spills kill wildlife and damage the ecosystem that can last for generations by forcing changes in reproduction and compromising complex food webs. Oil spill damage to the waterways of birds and animals, destroys the animal immune systems, interrupt breeding and fouling of breeding grounds. Besides, they thin bird and turtle egg shells and also damage the fish larvae, causing deformities. They cause damage to sea grass beds and other shelter/feeding areas, tainting of algae, which perform a vital role in waterway ecosystems. Due to oil spill on soil the insects and worms living in it are killed due to hydrocarbon toxicity, lack of oxygen supply and it reduce the pH of the soil. This affects the fertility of soil and its productivity in terms of the growth of plants (Wokocha G.A., 2011). As a result soil eco system is getting disturbed and it effects the plant growth. Soil oil also contaminates ground water and it causes illness to the human beings and animals when consumed.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Significance of the Host/Guest Relationship in The Odyssey Essay
The Odyssey is an epic poem attributed to the now-famous Greek poet, Homer, written approximately in the early sixth century B.C.E. The poem shares the tale of the wily adventuring solider, Odysseus', return from the Trojan war to his wife and home in Ithaca. The poem details his misadventures, the efforts of his son, Telemachus, to find him, and revenge on his wife's suitors. While many themes run through this poem, the most prevalent is that of hospitality. The Host-Guest relationship is significant in the Odyssey as it acts as one of the main thematic devices used by Homer and examples of good hospitality versus bad hospitality and their results serve as the main plot elements throughout the tale. The Host/Guest relationship, also known as the Guest-Friendship relationship was a complex relationship based on a series of ambiguous hospitality laws. "Guest-friend." the English rendition of the Greek xenos ...The same Greek word meant `stranger', `foreigner', and sometimes `host', a confusion symbolic of the ambivalence which characterized all dealings with the stranger in the archaic world." The system itself involved a few rituals. The host was not to ask the identity of the guest until after they have eaten, bathed, rested and/or received gifts of monetary value. The gifts varied depending on the seeming status of the guest. Lower class guests received only food, while higher classes received anything from jewels, to weapons to livestock. The Host/Guest relationship is one of the main virtues of the Homeric Greeks. It served as "the alternative to marriage in forging bonds between rulers; and there could have been no more dramatic test of its value in holding the network of relationships together than just such a cr... ... of either guest, nor host, the system of hospitality served as stability and protection in a time of suspicion and danger. Bibliography Beer, Josh, PhD. Lecture: Epic, Carleton University: Classics 2009, September 24th 2003. Beer, Josh, PhD. Lecture: The Odyssey, Carleton University: Classics 2009, October 29th 2003. Beer, Josh, PhD. Lecture: The Odyssey, Carleton University: Classics 2009, November 5th 2003. Finley, M. I. The World of Odysseus. Revised. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1967. Homer. The Odyssey. Walter Shewring, translator. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Lang, Andrew. The World of Homer. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910. Seymour, Thomas Day. Life in the Homeric Age. New York: Biblo and Tannen, 1963. Stagakis, George. Studies in the Homeric Society Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH., 1975.
My Philosophy of Education :: Teaching Education Essays
My Philosophy of Education Philosophy of education helps educators understand the purpose of education, what should be taught, and how students learn. All teachers must think about these important questions. A philosophy helps integrate understanding into the educational process. My philosophy is that all children should be educated, because it makes our society better as a whole. I believe that if we can educate all children, we can improve our society in many ways. In my opinion, the best way to educate children is using the pragmatism theory. Pragmatism is knowledge that is obtained and developed through experiences and interactions with the environment (Tanner 1997). This is important in education because children learn more through actual experiences. They learn from their actions, some even being mistakes. Pragmatism is a practical approach and it will work well when teaching children. Pragmatists believe that we should improve society through means of education that are geared toward problem solving and must be ongoing (Encarta Online 1995-2000). This is a great point because learning is a continuous process throughout life and it is all about solving problems. A teacher who is a pragmatist will help students understand what is known is changeable, there are a number of ways to interpret events, and there is no absolute truth (Crooner, Knight, and Wiseman 1999). Pragmatism has been around for a long time. It was developed by the 19th century by American philosophers, one of them being John Dewey. To him pragmatism implied that education should represent growth in individual capacity to deal with situations, should be a continuous process that cannot be terminated by the completion of course requirements, and demands self-direction as opposed to authoritarian imposition (Wyett 1998). This led to using the interests of students and their desires to learn as a main point in curriculum. I believe this helps in the classroom. If the children are interested in what they are learning, they will most likely learn that subject matter better. Along with this the classroom should also be democratic. In this process students will have their values respected, and their insights made available to fellow students and professors (Beck 1993). A philosophy in education is very important for a teacher to have.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
What Caused The Financial Crisis? Essay -- Economics
The roots of the financial crisis can be traced back to the property asset bubble in the US between 1997 and 2006. This asset bubble was enabled by a poorly regulated subprime mortgage industry and the assumption that property prices would continue to rise. The collapse of the property bubble and subsequent foreclosures led to many financial institutions suffering huge losses due to their exposure to the subprime market through a series of innovative and complex investment vehicles. While these investments carried extra risk, they also gave the opportunity for massive short term returns, and the move to these riskier and more complicated financial investments may have been facilitated by a ‘too big to fail’ mentality by many US financial institutions. The collapse of the property bubble and uncertainty in the markets led to a run by depositors and a sudden loss of funding for banks day to day activities. Due to the dependence of the interbank lending market for short term funding, these banks were unable to fund their day to day operations and some collapses, (Lehman Brothers) while others were bailed out by the US government (AIG). Such a loss of confidence within the financial industry eventually led to banks operating a more cautious approach to lending and ensured a severe reduction in the availability of credit, both to other banks and consumers. I will look at the how subprime lending, assisted by expansionary macroeconomic policies and lenient regulatory supervision, eventually morphed into a full financial crisis rather than the view that such crises are cyclical in open market economies and are part of the boom and bust characteristics of capitalism. Sub-prime Mortgages and the Building Blocks of the Financial Crisis .. ...pubs/ft/fandd/2008/06/dodd.htm Carmassi, J, Gros, P and Micossi, S. The Global Financial Crisis: Causes and Cures. Journal of Common Market Studies. Vol.47, No.5, pp. 977-996, 2009. Available at: Blakenburg, S and Palma, J.G. Introduction: the global financial crisis. Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol.33, pp.531-539, 2009. Available at: Online Publications Inman, P. Easy money hits home with lenders facing  £250bn losses. The Guardian Online, July 10th, 2007. Available at: Baldwin, R. Excessive risk-taking by Banks. Wall Street Pit. Global Market Insight, April 9th, 2012. Available at:
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Promoting diversity within a health and social setting Essay
In this report I am going to outline The Mental Health Act alongside this, the procedures and codes of practise and how both of these aim to promote diversity and assessing the effectiveness of these measures in place. The Mental Health Act aims to safeguard the vulnerable, by ensuring they are treated fairly and equally by services and given permission to health care, for example hospital treatment if required. The term mental illness or a personality disorder is used to describe someone with a mental disorder. The key principles of the act include keeping the service users best interest at heart and if unwise decisions are made by the user, the least restrictive option should be made. The mental health acts helps to promote diversity, because it ensures that the individual themselves will not be taken advantage of and their choices are met with full understanding before a decision has been made. This also makes sure that the person who holds the right to overrule the decision making follows under the act closely. The codes of practise aim to provide rules and regulations on how professionals should behave in a health and social care service. Most importantly, they provide specific standards of practise for each situation. For example, there is a code of practise for nursing and midwifery, known as ‘the nursing and midwifery council’. Another example of how codes of practise provide specific rules for each situation is the including standards of practise specially tailored for social care workers. This is known as the ‘General Social Care Council.’ The standards of practise must comply with the employers and employees responsibilities non- discriminatory practise. These responsibilities include staff promoting choices about service users and the care they receive; promoting a sense of self – concept for each service user; promoting diversity by considering their preferences, the service user’s individual needs and their wishes being taken into consideration of every aspect of their care. These responsibilities help to promote diversity, because it prevents victimisation and respects individual’s different views, with providing equality for all and promoting non – discriminatory practise. Overall, this piece of legislation is effective, because it aims to promote diversity by providing important legislation with lawful regulations that helps to meet service user’s needs. For example, the mental health act ensures the individual focused on if necessary, will be ensured to have informed and respectful decisions made based on their needs and preferences. Codes of practise are effective for aiming to promote diversity, because they provide standards of practise for individual situations, which all consequently aim to promote diversity and help staff and carers to use non – discriminatory practices that respect all individual service user’s needs while also aiming to promote and respect differences within each individual.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Limitless Effects of Immigration in the United States
The effects that immigration has on the United States are limitless. There have been endless debates over these effects since as early as the colonial times. The economic, fiscal and demographic effects are three major topics that tend to rule these debates. Based on both positive and negative effects immigration has on the economical, fiscal, and demographic sides of the United States, one can conclude that immigration is good, but should be limited. The effect of immigration on the economy is a major topic discussed among much of the nation. It is said to have both positive and negative effects that cancel each other out. Many agree that immigration brings a gain to the economy. James Smith gives an explanation of how the immigrants increase the economy, yet still may have negative effects for some people: At the most basic level, immigrants increase the supply of labor and help produce new goods and services. But since they are paid less than the total value of these new goods and services, domestic workers as a group must gain. On the production side, immigration allows domestic workers to be used more productively, specializing in producing goods at which they are relatively more efficient. Specialization in consumption also yields gain. Even when the economy as a whole gains, however, there may be losers as well as gainers among different groups of United States residents. (4) Some argue that while immigrants help the growth of the United States economy, the effect is very small. According to David Lagesse, a recent study says â€Å"immigrants contribute as much as $10 billion in economic growth each year, largely because they help keep prices lower. But the effect is small on a United States economy that produces nearly $8 trillion†(1). It has also been argued that the poverty rate of the United States has been negatively effected by immigration. Peter Brimelow agrees, saying, â€Å"because many immigrants are relatively unskilled, their poverty rate is significantly higher at 18 percent, compared to the 12. 1 percent poverty rate for the native-born†(11). Immigrant workers also play a role in the economy. There has been a debate within the last few years involving the computer industry and immigrants. Many companies feel that there are not enough skilled people in the United States to fill the demand for computer programmers. They also argue that these companies do not give Americans the chance to work in these positions, and are unwilling to retrain older programmers. They want only people trained with the latest computer skills, and look to foreigners to fill these demands. Roy Beck explains that â€Å"industry officials counter that American programmers often don†t have the specific skill needed for a new task and that companies like to be able to scout the whole world for somebody who can step right in and do the job†(141). Beck also argues that for other businesses, â€Å"the preference for foreign workers is no accident; they are looking for people who will work for less money and put up with worse working conditions†(142). Only in areas with high concentrations of low-skilled, low-paid immigrants are state and local taxpayers paying more on average to support the publicly funded services that these immigrants use†(Lagesse). While the immigration of workers does have its downside, it mainly has a positive effect: The benefits of immigration however are manifold. Immigrants are highly entrepreneurial. Their rate of business start-ups and self employment tend to be higher than that of United States born citizens. Immigrants contribute to the global competitiveness of US corporations, particularly in high technology industries. Perhaps the most important benefit is that immigrants come to the United States with critically needed talents, energies that serve as an engine for economic progress (Kposowa 78). The benefits and downfalls of the immigration workers both play a big part in today†s debate over immigration. It is clear that each side of the debate has both good and bad points. A second aspect of immigration that has been debated is the fiscal effect of immigration on the United States. The fiscal effects of immigration vary widely, causing it to be another no-win debate. According to Smith, the difference between taxes from households of immigrants, and the cost of government services for that household help measure the fiscal results of immigration (8). The fiscal impact is different at each level. Normally, the fiscal impact is positive at the federal level, and negative at the state level. Because the negative state impacts are concentrated in the few states that receive the majority of immigrants, some states experience fiscal burdens from immigrants (Smith 12). The age of the children of immigrants plays a role in the fiscal impacts of immigrant households. Households headed by immigrants include the native-born school-age children of immigrants, who incur high costs of public education, but do not include the native-born children of immigrants, who have a positive fiscal impact. For this reason, current fiscal impacts estimated for immigrant-headed households are biased towards negative numbers†(Smith 352). â€Å"The long-term fiscal contributions that immigrants make, however, will vary depending on such factors as education and age of arrival to the United States. Immigrants with higher levels of education will pay more taxes in the long term because they have higher incomes. But immigrants who don't have high school educations and those who are age 50 or older on arrival may receive more benefits than they pay in taxes†(Lagesse). The fiscal impacts of immigration are obviously very dependent on several different factors, and hard to classify as either good or bad. The Demographics of the United States is a third point commonly discussed in the debate over immigration. With the continuation of immigration to the United States comes higher populations and changing of the percentage of different races within each city. This major change has caused major controversy within these cities. Immigrants are starting to settle in more and more states than before, and taking some towns by surprise. Some greet them with open arms, and welcome a new culture into their area. Others feel invaded and fight the sudden increase in population and race differences within their area. The sudden change in population within these cities has formed a need for bilingual teachers, policemen, and general servicemen (Bustos 1). While some see this as a threat, it can also be viewed as a positive step towards bringing down the boundaries between culture, race, and countries. One can see that limited immigration is good based on the good and bad results immigration has on the economical, fiscal, and demographic positions of the United States. The positive and negative effects that immigration in general and workers have on the economy cancel each other out. Many factors influence the United States†fiscal situation, including age, causing the federal fiscal level to generally be positive, while the state level is normally negative. The fact that so many factors influence the fiscal situation proves that one can never determine whether immigration has a good or bad effect on the United States. The increase in population caused by immigration is also causing both good and bad problems in the United States, causing some people to feel threatened, while others feel a sense of togetherness. Without immigration the United States would not be what it is today. Almost everything in life has both good and bad qualities, but with a little regulation and control they can turn out to be positive. Immigration is one of those instances in life where with a little regulation immigration can be a great push towards a better future.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
This Is Water Reaction
Commentary and reaction to David Foster Wallace’s â€Å"This is Water†This speech was clear and direct to the point, especially both parables David told. He did not force his ideas; he merely explained his realizations and suggested actions. It is how he said it though, that made me want to listen to him more. I sthrongly agree with the suggestion of taking the spotlight away from ourselves and our misfortunes and pointing it towards other things and people we encounter. Some people are really egocentric to care about others and their problems (which are probably worse than theirs).This type of self-centred thinking affects our mood in a way where it may dampen our happiness. His speech raised my awareness on the arrogance of some people, and of mine too at times. He talked about learning to think, learning to control what you think. I feel that that is a step close to being a more positive and happy person. If you submit yourself to negativity, it will ruin you. We ha ve choices; it’s just a matter of making the right one not only for you but for everyone involved.What struck me the most was what he called the Capital T– Truth which is what matters  life before death. His message was to not stick to a routine just because you are afraid of change. Do not be dull, be alive. The major lesson I took from his speech was to enjoy every experience life offers us to make the most of our lives instead of living in the fast lane which will cause us to forget what and how things happened. Our lives are limited and so we shouldn’t make the least of it by worrying about mishaps and troubles. If we do, then that is truly a life wasted.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Marketing plan of Himalaya shampoo Essay
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY While providing verities in product, company have to focus mainly on pricing. In India there are customers with variety of spending capacity on a particular product, but most of them will focus on economic mid range product. In Indian shampoo market there is huge scale of pricing as well as quality. While confirming final selling price of Himalaya shampoo, we have to consider the pricing of contenders. Because if we sell it on high price most of customers will not dare to try an expensive shampoo first time, they will choose their usual one. On other hand if we sell it on very low price, they will definitely think that this product is not good in quality & they should not buy it. For very good results, we have to maintain our price with competitors & attract customers. Other additional offers like buy one get one free, free sample distribution, additional in quantity; selling combos in affordable price will help to attract more & more customers. INTRODUCTION AIM – SALES GOALS Making a benefit is the most critical some may say the main target of a business. Benefit measures victory. It might be characterized basically: Incomes – Overheads = Benefit. PROSPECT GOALS Individual offering capacities as a vital segment inside an organization’s bigger reconciled showcasing interchanges technique. Client deals are the soul of a business, helping straightforwardly to the organization’s end result. When bringing a deal to a close or starting special exercises, associations should first comprehend the necessities, needs, and propensities of their intended interest group. SCOPE The section, at around Rs 4,000 crore as of January 2012 (according to Nielsen information) is developing by over 18 for every penny yearly. Furthermore rivalry for an allotment of this pie is compelling. Shampoos likewise delight in one of the most noteworthy infiltration levels (around 80-85 for every penny) crosswise over item classes in India, making it essential for brands to continue advancing to stay ahead (Portion and principle, 2012). BACKROUND – The Himalaya herbal company has been manufacturing different types of natural personal care segment since 1999 to creating efficient simple life for human beings. . The key factor of company is that, they are helping people to realize importance of herbal & natural product for their personal care needs. Companies’ natural & herbal personal care products are very distinguished than other synthetic chemical personal care products in different manners. CURRENT SITUATION ANALYSIS INTERNAL ANALYSIS MISSION Himalaya’s mission is to make home grown wellness a piece of each home. We need to be the most trusted organization in experimental natural human services and most respected for our morals, qualities and duty to manageability. Build Himalaya as a science-based, critical thinking, head-to-heel brand, outfit from nature’s fortune and portrayed by trust and sound lives. RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES To contract the fitting employee for open positions in your organization, we must utilize a few levels of profiling. We’ll make a profile of the employment obligations and additionally the normal experience and aptitudes you’ll require from a representative. Throughout the enrolling procedure, We’ll incorporate profiling perspectives from competitors through their provisions, resumes and the particular meetings. FINANCIAL Finance figure out the capability for the business to attain the procurements of the business proposal. On account of a created business this involves an evaluation of the present budgetary status of the business incorporating bargains, misfortunes and speculations. The arrangement might as well likewise rough the monetary necessities of the business and the sources to acquire the accounts. INFRASTRUCTURE & EQUIPMENTS The foundation regarding structures and the layout is key for boost up marketable strategy. Moreover, the gear needed in the business for instance, gadgets for the work force. For a created business, the arrangement might as well portray what supplies necessities redesigning or trade to accomplish the arrangement’s goals. OFFERING The disclosure set what’s to come course for Himalaya. It offers the opportunity of the quality of exploratory exploration. It likewise taught the vitality of persistence, ardour and tirelessness. Company have kept tabs on changing over Ayurveda’s home grown custom into a reach of restrictive plans devoted to sound living and life span. Shampoo is basic day to day use product which is almost preferred by most of people. This people will have their own expectations by using any particular shampoo brand. To fulfil this requirements ‘Himalaya’ shampoo have to highlight that offering shampoo products with different purposes like anti-dandruff, soothing & moisturising, volume & bounce, anti-hair fall, extra moisturizing with proteins, gentle daily care, softness & shine. BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Business relations will be relations between stakeholders in the business procedure, for example, management worker, the employer/employee and business accomplice, employer/employee-outsourced representative relations, and so on. Note the significant provision that cost alone is not the main attention. Short survey of dispersion force issues: EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (external environmental factors) POLITICAL COMPONENTS How and what degree an administration mediates in the economy. Particularly, political elements incorporate ranges, for example, charge arrangement, labour law, ecological law, exchange limitations, duties, and political strength. Political variables might likewise incorporate merchandise and administrations which the administration needs to give or be given and those that the legislature would not like to be furnished. Moreover, governments have extraordinary impact on the health, training, and base of a country. ECONOMIC COMPONENTS Incorporate financial development, investment rates, trade rates and the expansion rate. These elements have significant effects on how organizations work and settle on choices. Case in point, investment rates influence an association’s expense of capital and subsequently to what degree a business develops and grows. Trade rates influence the expenses of trading products and the supply and cost of foreign made merchandise in an economy SOCIAL FACTORS Variables incorporate the social angles and incorporate health cognizance, populace development rate, age dispersion, vocation mentality and accentuation on wellbeing. Drifts in social components influence the interest for an organization’s items and how that organization works. Case in point, an ageing populace may suggest a more diminutive and less-willing workforce . Moreover, organizations may change different administration systems to adjust to these social patterns. TECHNOLOGYCAL FACTORS Innovative components incorporate natural and ecological viewpoints, for example, R&d action, robotization, engineering motivations and the rate of mechanical change. They can figure out restraints to section, least productive creation level and impact outsourcing choices. Moreover, mechanical movements can influence expenses, quality, and lead to development. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Natural variables incorporate climate, atmosphere, and environmental change, which might particularly influence commercial ventures, for example, tourism, cultivating, and insurance.furthermore, developing consciousness to environmental change is influencing how organizations work and the items they offer- -it is both making new markets and lessening or crushing existing ones. LEGAL FACTORS Legitimate elements incorporate segregation law, shopper law, antitrust law, livelihood law, and health and wellbeing law. These components can influence how an organization works, its expenses, and the interest for its items. MARKET ANALYSIS Size of Indian shampoo market is 3098 Cr. With 16% of growth every year(Pareek, 2013). Hair care items like oil, hair cream and cleanser have been the quickest developing fragment of the individual consideration advertise in India. Because of growing of working class pay bunch populace, the business size of items. The span of the cleanser business sector is assessed at over Rs 25 Bn comparing to about 60,000 to 70,T000 tonne of the material. Interest of cleanser was 7000 tons in 1995-96, 21000 in 2000-01 and 33000 in 2005-06. Cleanser infiltration is evaluated now roughly more than 60% populace and anticipated that will sail 100 percent in nearing years while it was just 18% in 1995-96 and was concentrated to urban territories just (halalshampoo, 2010). MARKET TREND Products readied by the concoction business till date, have been less significantly synchronized inside India than in European case and quickly no Asian figure proposes biological worth seals or documentation. Provincial supporters are bit by bit requesting â€Å"green†way out. In this, free conviction is forward of organization plus industry methodology. Likewise, bargains for the strength chemicals section are mounting quite quickly, fixated as an after effect of emphasis energetic about â€Å"green†high-execution items. A short specify of the way that provincial India makes up shut three-fourths of India’s populace and 51% of the sum disposable wage is sufficient to discover that this business holds a lot of potential. COMPETATIVE SITUATIONS The vast majority of the organizations have seen just a marginal plunge in edges in the previous two a long time notwithstanding the steep merchandise expansion, as they were ready to take value climbs without much safety. The key danger to edges can hail from increased rivalry from a profound pocketed player needing to increase market offer. In the previous 10 years we have seen substantial classifications like cleansers, cleansers and biscuits seeing sharp plunges in edges because of climbing intense force. CUSTOMERS NEEDS The main thing they had was the information of nature, accumulated in the ayurveda. With the art of Ayurveda’s, a few herbs and verdures were utilized to make ayurvedic makeup that truly met expectations. Ayurvedic beautifiers not just enhanced the skin yet went about as the shield against any sort of outside influences for the figure. Ayurvedic products otherwise called the natural have the same respectable holdings in the up to date period too. There is a wide extent of the natural beautifiers that are made and normally utilized for every day purposes. Natural beautifying agents like grown like Himalaya shampoos. SWOT ANALYSIS Hair & Care Parent Company Himalaya Category Personal Care brands- Herbal Shampoo Sector FMCG USP Multiuse herbal shampoo STP Segment Mid-priced herbal shampoo Target Group Middle class segment Positioning Hair & Care offers the potent nourishment of Herbal ingredients that reduce hairfall & moisturize SWOT Analysis Strength – Gained reputation as made out of Natural extracts – Strong brand value of Himalaya – Has user-friendly herbal nature – High quality of the product – Excellent distribution of Himalaya ensures availability Weakness – Market share is limited due to presence of strong competition – More emphasis needs to be put on increasing reach of product Opportunity – Can also launch shampoo and conditioner of same brand – Huge market potential – Launch Variety for overall members of family. Threats – Plenty of competitors – Almost no differentiation – Conditioners +shampoo mix might replace hair shampoo TARGET MARKET SELECTION & POSITIONING STRATERGY Market division is the division of the aggregate business sector into more diminutive, moderately homogeneous assemblies. It is important to portion or group the different individuals or foundations so as to recognize those with sufficient obtaining force, power, and eagerness to purchase. There are no gender orientation restraints regarding the showcasing of their item. Guys and females much the same are given items that will engage their contrasting styles and tastes. POSITIONING Items positioning alludes to ‘the client recognition of the spot an item or brand involves in a given market.The positioning of the Himalaya brand is ‘get it’. the joy would just be accomplish when they get an uplifting state of mind by others, that is the reason they have to comprehend themselves to know the real things they require, Himalaya needs to be seen as brand that realize what lady feel, what they need and Himalaya are letting them know, ‘we feel what you feel’ Positioning essentials: – Positioning is the single most excellent impact on a client’s purchasing choice. – Every client assesses items in the business sector as per their mental guide of the business. – Positioning exists in clients’ personalities, not in positioning explanations. – Individuals don’t effectively or readily alter their opinions in the vicinity of an item’s positioning. – Positioning must first exhibit an item’s importance, utilizing supportable, believable, and accurate terms. – Making the item less demanding to purchase through viable positioning makes the item simpler to offer. – Getting Into the Mind of the Consumer OBJECTIVES BRAND LEVEL OBJECTIVES Eventually, brand level benefit focuses are relied upon to help the in general augmentation of the company’s benefits. Nonetheless, when a firm holds some diverse brands, distinctive advertising and dissemination arrangements may be needed for each. A few variables become possibly the most important factor in augmenting worth. Product line objectives Firms profit on the totality of items and administrations that they offer, and off and on again, benefit could be expanded by settling for little edges on some, making up on others. For instance, both producers and retailers. DISTRIBUTION OBJECTIVE A company’s dissemination targets will eventually be quite relatedâ€â€some will upgrade one another while others will contend. for instance, as we have talked about, additional selective and higher administration dissemination will for the most part involve less force and lesser scope. Cost must be exchanged off against pace of conveyance and for Communication Objectives BRANDING Branding is the utilization of a name, term, image or outline to give an item a remarkable character in the commercial center. Advertisers have three significant vital choices: maker marking vs. private names; singular marking vs. family brands; and co-marking. Furthermore, they must think about if to look for trademark assurance for their brand. LOGOS Logos are a discriminating part of business showcasing. As the organization’s significant graphical representation, a logo stays an organization’s brand and turns into the absolute most obvious sign of the organization inside the target market. Therefore, a generally composed logo is a key a piece of any organization’s general advertising system.everybody has, knows the logo that runs with the name. It’s all in the acquaintanceship of: Organization Name + Logo = costumers recollecting your organization and what it is you do. VALUE PROPOSITION A quality recommendation is a guarantee of worth to be conveyed and a conviction from the client that esteem will be encountered. A quality recommendation can apply to a whole association, or parts thereof, or client records, or items or administrations. Making a worth recommendation is a piece of business methodology. System is dependent upon a separated client worth recommendation. Fulfilling clients is the wellspring of feasible worth creation. Advancing a quality suggestion is dependent upon a survey and examination of the profits, expenses and esteem that an association can convey to its clients, prospective clients, and other constituent gathers inside and outside the association. It is likewise a positioning of worth, where Esteem = Profits. MARKETING MIX STRATERGIES PRODUCT PRODUCT CONCEPT An item notion is a printed, pictorial, or ridiculed up representation and portrayal of another item. The idea gives an unit for conveying to both customers and the improvement group the way of the new item, how it will work, the item’s characteristics and qualities, profits, purpose behind being, also what issues it will explain for the client. Contingent upon both the relative freshness of the thought and the phase of improvement, there are different organizations in which thoughts could be exhibited. Know our types of shampoos Type of Shampoo Key Features Protein Shampoo Fortified with proteins Clarifying Shampoo Used to deep clean hair and remove buildup Volumizing Shampoo Adds body to limp hair Moisturizing Shampoo For dry hair. Keeps spilt ends in check. Revitalizing Shampoo Made for colour treated, chemically processed, damaged hair Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Contains medication that rinses away those flakes 2 n 1 Shampoo Combination of shampoo and conditioner PRICE Connecting a reasonable and precise sticker to your items and administrations might be an unpredictable adjusting of careful control. It might as well shock no one that numerous entrepreneurs have a progressing battle with setting their evaluating systems. Some use unseemly methodologies, for instance, endeavoring to dependably be the most minimal estimated player in the business sector, while others neglect to change their methodology to profit by business changes. The Importance of Accurate Pricing Clients need the best esteem for their cash, and consequently they will just about dependably do a quality examination and make buys dependent upon the best cost for the best esteem. To show, put yourself in your client’s position. Assume you go into an office-supply store to purchase a ream of paper for your printer, and you find that there are many choices to browse. Conducting Market Research Statistical surveying is obliged when you propose to increase an aggressive point of interest through estimating. You’ll need to utilize exploration to figure out what contenders are charging for items or administrations like yours and survey how your offerings measure up as far as quality contrasted with those contenders. Knowing this will help you figure out a reasonable cost. DISTRIBUTION OBJECTIVES A company’s conveyance targets will eventually be exceedingly relatedâ€â€some will upgrade one another while others will contend. for instance, as we have examined, more selective and higher administration conveyance will for the most part involve less force and lesser range. Narrow vs. wide reach: The degree to which a firm may as well look for tight (select) vs. wide (extreme) appropriation hinges on upon various components. One issue is the purchaser’s probability of exchanging and eagerness to pursuit. Retailers included in a more restrictive dispersion game plan are liable to be more â€Å"devoted†â€â€i.e., they will have a tendency to Suggest the item to the client and subsequently offer expansive amounts; – Convey bigger inventories and choices; – Give more administrations PROMOTION DIRECT MARKETING We think about immediate advertising promptly in the term as a â€Å"differentiation†circumstance against which later channels might be analyzed. when all is said in done, you can’t spare cash by â€Å"dispensing with the mediator†on the grounds that delegates represent considerable authority in performing certain undertakings that they can perform more efficiently than the maker. Mediators perform errands, for example, – Moving the merchandise productively – Breaking mass – Combining products – Including administrations Internet Marketing (Electronic Commerce) Genuine offers of items e.g., Promotion/advertising: Clients might be viably focused much of the time in light of the setting that they, themselves, have searched out. Client administration: The site may hold data for the individuals who no more have their manuals convenient and, for electronic items, give redesigned drivers and programming patches. Statistical surveying: Information might be gathered generally cheaply on the Net. Public Relations Our company have to have a consistent communication with clients, representatives and diverse stakeholders. This adjusting of connection is carried out by people in general connection office. The significant capacity of general society connection office is to handle press discharges, help item reputation, make and uphold the corporate picture, handle matters with officials, guide administration concerning open issues. Himalaya shampoos have to be taking a gander at approaches to merge with capacities of advertising and open connection in showcasing open connection. The immediate obligation of showcasing open connection (MPR) is to help corporate and item marking exercises. ACTION PLAN step 1 Behaviour statistical surveying. Take in who is utilizing the item, who will purchase it and to whom would it say it is helpful? Step 2 Examine the rivalry. Assess how your item varies or contrasts with current item offerings and figure out the routes in which your product/company outperforms. Distinguish the explanations clients buy somewhere else and the ways that you can lure them to buy your new item. Related Perusing: Gourmet Nourishment Items Showcasing Arrangements Step 3 Figure out your advertising procedure and test it with center aggregations to figure out their reaction to your advancements. Best item starts include promoting of numerous sorts. Online advancements, radio/television spots, and email sales can all lead a guest to your site to take in more about the new item and other item offerings. Step 4 Make an advertising system. Thoughts incorporate permitting the press to survey your item, composition articles to send to open media, giving questions, and holding a launch occasion. The more chances you need to present your item to the target advertise, the more individuals will know the item and get intrigued by obtaining it. Step 5 Assess the availability of the launch to determine the in general timing is composed and the item is totally primed when it is declared. Step 6 Make a timetable in the advertising arrange and catch up normally to guarantee that everybody included is on calendar. Step 7 Train your client administration branch completely so workers can successfully offer the item. The moment the item is accessible for buy, your deals staff ought to be completely educated about the item and primed to offer it. MARKETING BUDGET Assuming that you are not certain what particular objectives you might want to set (for instance, what number of prospects you require), the best system is to begin in view of the finish: Figure out aggregate income: Settle on the measure of income you might want to gain for that discharge time span. Audit your income projections for the year, and figure out what amount you could ascribe to this discharge. Figure the amount of clients obliged: Partition your normal income by the normal deal quality to ascertain the amount of clients you have to sign. Comprehend your deals win proportion: Utilizing past bargains, apply what number of prospects you might need to attain the amount of clients needed. When you don’t have that number, a sensible â€Å"win rate†is give or take 1 in 5 (20%). This will provide for them you the amount of prospects you will get MARKETING BUDGET there are general guidelines, however there are additionally various weakening variables for each one organization to think about. The measure a business might as well plan changes dependent upon its residency in the commercial centre on promoting secured items, yet numerous purchaser items organizations use 50 percent or a greater amount of their net income on starting new offerings. Using the general rules of thumb, calculate your company’s ideal marketing budget below: Total Revenue x 5% = Marketing budget required to maintain current awareness and visibility Total Revenue x 10% = Marketing budget required to grow and gain market share CONTROLS & CONTIGENCIES A promoting emergency arrangement can help a little business secure income, productivity and client relationships by planning for startling occasions. The sudden entry of an effective new contender, an issue in your store network, the abdication of a paramount deals delegate, an infection assault on your site or the revelation of a significant item abscond can have genuine outcomes. When you have an emergency arrangement set up, you can react rapidly to changes and secure your organization against the danger of business and budgetary harm. – Awareness – Monitor – Response – Manage CONCLUSION With the development in the improved markets approaching immersion, purchaser bundled products organizations started looking to advancing and rising markets for future development. Worldwide Himalaya Herbal Company one of the organizations that had a vicinity in a few rising markets incorporating India, where it worked through its subsidiary. The case concentrates on Himalaya’s technique for developing two adult brands with mass claim of their herbal shampoo range, by focusing on new sections in creative ways. REFERANCES external environmental factors. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 3, 2014, from
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