Thursday, August 29, 2019

Aurora Leigh

The story of Aurora Lee Aurora Lee is the story of a fictitious poet. This story is the greatest achievement of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This is the first major poem in English literature, heroine is a female writer like a writer. This story is related to the aurora as an emerging poet of society, except for women who are artists. Because of the role of society, society imposes restrictions on women. Society basically defines women as imprisoned. In Aurora Leigh, Elizabeth Barrett Browning presents a refreshing role against Victorian norms. Furthermore, she created Aurora Lee's aunt as a character to show off the real feminist nature of Aurora. The idea of ​​a Victorian lady, Aurora Leigh's aunt, is all that she is not. Browning used a cold image to outline her aunt's appearance: Her forehead is slightly thin and knitted tight ... brown hair stabbed with gray / cold used in life. Draw on the ground (1181). Aurora Leigh's aunt looks like a living woman and a person's life. Lee stated, She lived in the past, I would say this is a harmless life, she calls it a benign life ... this is not life at all (1181). Aurora regarded her aunt's good life as restrictive and suffocating existence. Not only did my aunt often live an organized life, men asserted the traditional sex role (or rule) established by men in the male world. When Barrett Browning first came up with Aurora Leigh, she announced that she entered our conference and was hurried to the living room. Angels are afraid of trampling intention; - face-to-face communication, no mask, please wait for the human nature of the times (Knox 36). Fusing AuroraLeigh's novel with poetry, she thought of this. During this time Victorian people thought about this. Novels are suitable for female writers Poetry is limited to men Type classification is a perfect example of deep-seated gender restriction of the time, and in order to despise social prejudice by writing in two types, It is Barrett Browning that use s mature opportunities.

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